stay strong

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Have you ever felt left out, or getting hit in the face with thoughts and feelings by the people around you. I've been in the same position. Its overwhelming and it herts so bad even your own best friend stabs you in the back. The way my friend hert my feelings were by saying things about my mom and i got tired and then one day I ponched him in hes stomach. I know i might be crazy but i was laughing after that even though it was the wrong thing to do. But the point im trying to get at is " You dont have to be the one left out" start making good and dependable friends dont stick around with the people who bring you down. The losers will talk u into something and thats not what u wanna do. Stand up for what you believe in and dont let anybody drag you or stop you for what you wanna do. Theres no exuses you cant say im here because of Him or Her it was because of you that your in the position you are in now. Make sure to keep going and dont stop. Stay focused,  we all know the world is not all rainbow and sunshine nooo, it will beat you to your knees and make you beg for mercury and it will keep you there if you let it,  it has you up against a rope.

The Loser That Youve BecomeWhere stories live. Discover now