the new girl

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As usual kaine would take his daily route through town to school ,for most teens high school is a living nightmare but to him its a vampires all you can eat buffet ,but at times he must admit being a handsome 16 yearold vampire had its down's such as it was a vampires law that you could not drink from the same person twice or that if your identitiy was discovered you had to hire a blanker (blankers are unique vampires that have the power to erase any memory from the human brain but they are very rare and very expensive ) and after that you had the face the vampire royal council which was to humans like facing a judge except the punishment for vampires would be no drinking blood for atleast 2 years even thinking about it made kaines stomach churn 'how could vampires live without blood for a year i mean i cant even go without an hour of blood yet alone 2 years he had thought to himself but in the end he gave up thinking of it and quickened his pace to school.Just like a daily routine kaine was greeted by about every girl in his school sometimes they would pass by him and stick their number onto his back so when he got home he would notice but usually the other girls would rip it off in jealousy and replace it with their own.To be truthful kaine found this quite amusing at the strart but as time passsed it eventually started getting annoying ,he still loved them of course its just he desired something different he was starting to get bored of the taste of them ..they seemed to all taste the same.

Kaine made his way down the corridor and entered his classrom he was greeted and admired by all who stared at him just like they would do everyday before that ,he let his eye roam the room inspecting it and knew something felt out of place and then he spotted her the curly black hair that rested otop of her head swaying swiftly in the light breeze sticking against her pale skin ,her emerald green eyes staring hard at the paper infront of her .He had to admit she was very beautiful and she smelt great too!!. He knew that the others had caught on to who he was staring at but he didnt care.Once she felt like someone was staring at her she looked up and met eye to eye with him, he then watched eagerly to see her expression but she just stared back emotionlessly and then lowered her gaze back to her paper. HE COULDNT BELIEVE IT SHE DIDNT SEEM HYPNOTIZED BY HIS GORGEOUS LOOKS AT ALL!!! this was very unusual and he suddenly felt the need to speak to her maybe this girl had no interest in men...maybe she is lesbian..YEAH thats right she must be lesbian 'he hopefully thought to himself but his hope disentergrated to nothing once he heard the girls beside him gossiping on how she slapped her boyfriend this morning for trying to forcefully kiss her infront of the school gate 'oh great so i guess she aint lesbian hmm either way i dont like how she looks at me like any other high schooler boy and once i find her weakness ill be sure to drink her blood as revenge and i know that it would be quite ...sweet...well for me that is 'he thought to himself and he even smirked at the idea of it 'ill get her sooner or later

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