The Mob

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"May I help you?..." Feliciano asked as he opened the door to reveal an old man.

"Good evening, I've come to collect your grandfather." The old man said and Feliciano's eyes widened.


"Don't worry Monsieur... We'll take good care of him." The old man took a step to the side to reveal a mob and a carriage with the words "Asylum de Loons" written in the side.

"My nonno is not crazy!" Feliciano took a step out the door.

"He was rambling like a lunatic! We all heard him didn't we?" Lovino yelled not wanting to.

"No! I-I won't let you!" Feliciano said.

"Julius tell us again how big was the beast?!" Someone yelled and everyone laughed.

"H-he was enormous! I'd say at least 8 no more like 10 feet!" Julius said and everyone laughed once again.

Some men walked forward and grabbed Julius and as they dragged him to the carriage Feliciano followed.

"No! You can't do this!" Feliciano grabbed the old man's arm before being shoved off.

"Poor Feliciano... It's a shame about your grandfather..." Antonio walked out from the shadows and placed an arm around Feliciano's shoulders.

"You know he's not crazy Antonio!" Feliciano pleaded and grabbed the spaniard's shirt.

"I might be able to clear up this little... Misunderstanding... If..." Antonio said with a smirk.

"If what...?" Feliciano asked uncertain.

"If you marry me." The Spaniard said and Feliciano tried to take a step back, shock painted his face.


"One little word Feli that's all it takes..." Feliciano pushed Antonio away.

"Never! I don't love you!"

"Very well! Have it your way!" Antonio said as he walked away.

"Nipote!" Julius called out as Feliciano disappeared in the house for a brief second.

"Let go off me!" Julius yelled as Feliciano emerged once again, only this time holding the magic mirror.

"My grandfather is not crazy and I can prove it!" Feliciano yelled drawing the attention from everyone.

"Please show me the beast!" Feliciano yelled and held the mirror so everyone could see Ludwig as he roared.

"Is it dangerous?!" Someone called out and Feliciano made his way to the crowd.

"Oh no, no, he'd never hurt anyone! Please! I know he looks vicious! But he's really kind and gentle... He's my friend..." Feliciano said as he smiled at the mirror.

"If I didn't know any better I would think you had feelings for this monster..." Antonio said and turned Feliciano around to face him.

"He's no monster Antonio! You are!" Feliciano sneered at the man before him, but only angered Antonio more.

"He's as crazy as the old man! The beast will make off with your children! He'll come after them in the night...!" Antonio exclaimed and took the mirror.

"No!" Feliciano yelled trying to stop what he had mistakenly started.

"We are not safe until his head is mounted on my wall! I say we KILL the beast!" Antonio received cheers from the mob.

We're not safe until he's dead
He'll come stalking us at night
Set to sacrifice our children to his monstrous appetite
He'll wreak havoc on our village if we let him wander free

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