Chapter 7: The Love Of My Unlife Loves Me Too

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I know I just updated yesterday but @taylor1723 aka my bff won't text me until I update. Sorry for the cliff hanger but I needed a way to wrap up that chapter interestingly. Hope this one is better. Don't forget to vote and comment!


My head hurt and everything was pitch black. I felt something cold on my hand and heard some muffled voices. I wanted to open my eyes-I wanted to move-but I couldn't.

The voices were gone and someone had left the room. Finally, I gained control of my body. I opened my eyes, slowly. I looked over at my cold hand. My vision was a little blurry, but I could see someone's figure.

"So you're awake", they said. I recognized the voice immediately and began trembling. Then, my vision came into focus. In front of me, holding my hand, was Irving. He was smiling coldly.

Fear took over and I screamed at the top of my lungs, shook his hand off, and jumped out of bed from the opposite side as Irving.

"Y...You!", I screamed. He was already heading for me, a sturn look on his face. I knew I needed help. When I thought this, the first person that came to mind was Bradyn. At that moment, someone burst into the room.

"Tatiana!", he said. The someone was Bradyn.

"Bradyn!", I said. He ran over to me, putting himself between me and Irving. He stood in front of me, his back to me, as if to protect me. I was still trembling behind him.

"Maybe it's best if His Majesty leaves", Bradyn said to Winston. Winston looked at me, still cowering in fear, and sighed.

"I agree, Sir Bradyn. His Majesty has a busy schedule anyway", said Winston. I thought he just added the last sentence to reason with Irving. Irving gave me and Bradyn one final cold stare and left the room with Winston.

Once they were gone, Bradyn turned around to face me. Then, as if not being able to hold himself back, Bradyn suddenly embraced me tightly.

"I thought you were gone", he said. His voice was low and barely audible. He rested his head on my shoulder.

I felt the strength leave my legs,"Bradyn...", I said. Then I began to slide to the ground. I didn't make it far before he caught me and held me up. We embraced each other silently for a few moments, as if making sure one another existed.

Then, Bradyn picked me up in his arms and sat me on my bed. He sat down beside me. He seemed a little hesitant to speak.

"...Why did you scream?", he said. He wouldn't make eye contact with me. Now it was my turn to be hesitant. I didn't want to talk about what happened, but he deserved to know, since he found me on the floor. It must have scared him. Besides, I felt like I could trust him.

"...He was why...", I said. I looked down.

"What do you mean?", he asked. I could feel his gaze on me now.

"He was why I fell unconscious", I said. I began trembling at the memory and tears filled my eyes. A single tear fell down my cheek. Bradyn saw and gently grasped my chin. He lifted my face to face his and wiped my tear away with his thumb.

"I don't understand, and I want you to explain, but, if it's hard for you, I understand", he said. I felt guilty and shook my head.

"No. I want to tell you. You deserve to know", I said and I took a deep breath.

"If you're sure you can handle it, then I won't stop you", he said and took his hands away. The warmth left with them.

"I was sitting in my room and realized that I needed to speak with His Majesty. I left my room and looked for Winston and-"

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