~Chapter 19~

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Hanna Banana: i'm hungry

Winnie The Pooh: when are u not hungry?

Charles: can't, out with the fam in georgia

Ali F: same

Pookie Bear: can't, with mike for lacrosse

Hanna Banana: i need food

Ali F: can anyone contact em?

Killer added Camzi

Camzi: she's with me, aka camila cabello *picture attached*

Hanna Banana: holy fuck ur actually camila cabello

Camzi: no shit sherlock

Killer: camila the fuck, why did u add urself?

Camzi: sorry em

Killer: it's fine mila

Camzi: i can make it up to u ;)

Ali F: hold the fuck up u cannot do that

Hanna Banana: yeah only ali can, fuck off cabello

Camzi: i mean eat pizza jeez, are they always like this?

Killer: yup, u have to live with it if ur my best friend :)

Camzi: ur lucky i love u

Killer: love u too mila

Ali F: but u love me more right em?

Killer: of course babe

Camzi: i'm lonely

Killer: have sex with laurser

Camzi: ok

Camzi left the group

Ali F: wanna have sex em?

Killer: sure i have nothing else to do

Killer left the group

Ali F left the group

Hanna Banana: wait isn't ali in georgia?

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