~The Lodge~

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Carolina: You okay? -sits next to Halika- 

Halika: Yea, a little. I'm just... extremely worried. 

Carolina: That's alright. Dez will be fine. His veins are popping out, bruises everywhere, bloody-- I'm gonna stop it there because I know I'm not helping.

Halika: It's okay, at least I know what condition he's in. 

Carolina: If it helps at all, his head didn't hit the floor, you caught him just in time, -smiles reassuringly- He'll be fine. 

Halika: -gives her the best smile she can, but only manages to give her a halfhearted smile- Thanks, Lina. C-can I...?

Carolina: Of course. -leads her inside the room-

Halika: -sees Dez: Dez...! -runs to him-

Dez: -coughs- Hey.

Halika: -hugs him gently- I didn't think the fight would end that way. -pulls way and sits next to him- But, if it makes you feel any better... You did great. Gave him quite a beating too.

Dez: Nice to know. -smiles, slinging an arm around her shoulder- No one else came? -looks at her, scanning her jaw-

Halika: Nope. Just me. 

Dez: Sweet. 

Halika: You're bruised all over...  -places her hand gently on his face-

Dez: Ow... 

Halika: S-sorry.. -pulls her hand away-

Dez: It's fine... -puts his forehead to hers-

Halika: -smiles a bit-

-Pan and Austin walk, barely holding hands-

Pan: -jaw drops- You know we aren't allowed to do that crap.

Halika: -glares at Pan- Watch those hands. -gets up-

Austin: Where are you going?

Halika: As far away as I can get from that 6 foot tall bottle of "kill me already". -snarls at Pan- Tch. -walks out, slamming the infirmary door-

-Red, Raina, Chassity, and Clyde walk in-

Red: -notices Pan and Austin, and sighs in disgust, turns away from them and faces Dez- Dez, you alright?

Raina: Well what you think, dumbass? He's got bruises everywhere? 

Red: I wasn't asking you Raina.

Raina: -rolls her eyes and crosses her arms-

Dez: I'm fine, thanks. -pauses- So how'd your guys's fights go?

Raina: I fought my brother. 

Clyde: I fought Trace. And Chance had to sit this one out after seeing what that power-hungry crap did to you.. 

Dez: Alright, now I feel bad... 

Clyde: Nah, he'll suck it up. -slightly smiles-

Dez: So, who won?

Red+Raina: I did. -glares at eachother- Damn our synchronization. 

Dez: -chuckles- How 'bout you, Clyde?

Clyde: Oh, me? Who dya think?

Dez: Right. -smiles- Good job. 

Clyde: Thanks. -grins, sticking out his tongue-

Dez: Yup.


Halika: -stares out the window at the stars- I know you. Long time no see, huh? It's still night time, too. -yawns- It's pretty late. But.. I hope you don't mind if I... -falls asleep-

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