Chapter 3

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I know you guys have been waiting long am solo sorry I had to do somethings am so sorry now let's get this book on a roll

I said " hahaha good one where is the cameras, you guys are good " Lean told me it was not a joke. She said that the whole family is apart of the Shadow Hunters and they we're assigned to help me, protect me but most importantly you were not supposed to fined out.

Since metahumans tracked me down their on a mission to really protect my ass I think we have a damn good excuse to tell you. All I could think was where was mom and dad or who ever they we're??! LEAN said that they we're in England in the castle and that I would be safe there.

After 3 hours we arrived in Toronto Canada, and we had to get on a plane to get to England (obviously) to make sure I was safe we wore disguises. I was uneasy the entire flight,when we finally arrived in England we walked for countless hours to a remote BBC country side castle. In the story the castle seemed big but I could see was a little cottage.

Liam took out a stick with a purple light on the end and told me to stay still and he shun the light in my eyes because he said since my father wiped away my memories I wouldn't be able to see it. See what?! When the light in my eyes started to disappear a huge beautiful castle flashed in front of my eyes, Lean said only shadow hunters can see them.
Am a Shadow Hunter?!!?



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