I meet her

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Ugh, just another boring day in this class. This class is so freaking boring. I cannot wait to get out here. I took my notebook out of my backpack and started doodling in it. When the classroom door opened and closed i didnt bother to look up at who had entered. I smelled them though. Or should i say her. She smelled so good. The best human smell i have come across in years. I looked up and i saw her sit down in a seat just a few feet away from me. I couldnt see her face because she was hiding behind the looks of other students in her hair, but i was instantly intrigued by her. I couldnt take my eyes off of her. When she looked up at me, my dead heart stopped. The first word to enter my head was DAMN. Since when have i started liking chicks? WTF. Im a demon vampire and never in my years of existance have i liked a girl. Ever. And never in my years have i ever felt love toward anybody. Not a soul. I mean i guess thats fair since i dont have a soul, but still. She looked at me weird and looked back toward her desk. I am beginning to like this new student. She interests me. When she looked up a few minutes later my gaze still hadnt shifted from her and she gave me another weird look. She didnt look away this time. My friend Chris started waving his hand in front of my face to get my attention. I smacked him in the chest and he stopped.

"What?" i asked him getting irritated. You ruined the moment JERK.

"You were staring at the new girl" he stated. DUH SHE'S A BEAUTIFUL GODDESS.

"No i wasnt i was staring at the door" i announced. He gave me a look like 'riiight'. Then the bell rang and it was time for 5 period. Lunch is in this class. Yay. I quickly walked to my class and sat down next to my best friend. Shes quiet, but shes still awesome. As we waitied for lunch to get called we played on photoshop. This is computer class by the way. Finally when our lunch bell rang i walked over to my teacher and he handed me my usual mountain dew. My teacher sells drinks and that stuff to this class since its lunch. What people dont know is that its not mountain dew. Its blood. My teacher is a vampire. I handed him some money and he gave me my blood and me and my friend walked to lunch. I noticed the new girl walking toward the caf. I almost walked over to her and said hi, but I decided against it. My friend went to go get In line and I sat at our usual table. A few moments later I had company. The new girl sat across from me at the table. Her scent hit me and I stiffened. I quickly opened my blood and took a swig of it. It calmed me down a little bit, but I can still smell her sweet and rich blood pumping through her veins. It's all so enticing.

"So why were you staring at me earlier?" she asked me. She leaned back In her chair and put her hands in the pockets of her blue and silver windbreaker jacket. I honestly have no idea what to tell her. Lie I guess.

"I don't know, I was staring at the door. Why were you staring back?" I asked her. She blushed and the blood rising to her cheeks made me stiffen again. My throat started burning. I took another swig of my blood and it went away. This girl is causing some major problems in my body. I chuckled at her blushing. She's so cute when she's embarrased. My friends came to sit with us but I waved them off.

"So, my names Rain" she stated.

"Well Rain" I said leaning forward "My name is Alexia" I ran my fingers through my jet black hair and she nodded.

"So, how's school here?" she asked me. The teacher dismissed our lunch table and I got up.

"Eh it's school" I replied. It's a whole lot better now that you're here beautiful!! We started walking back to class and I could feel the burning in my throat again as she accidently bumped into me. This girl has no idea how unsafe I am right now. Ugh. She's way to cute to kill. When her skin accidentally brushed against mine, I felt a tingle in my spine, and I instantly wanted more. Why the hell does this girl intrigue me so?  I mean other than the fact she's absolutely gorgeous, and mysterious. And when she's nervous how she bites her bottom lip, it makes her look incredibly sexy.

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