Join the club Rain

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 I only lasted a few weeks. A few weeks of not seeing her. I caved yesterday though. I went to see her. Her dreams and watching her in my ghost form just isn't cutting it. I leaned against her fence and looked Into her window. She was dancing around her room to music in her underwear and a tshirt. It was one of the sexiest things I have ever seen. I must have caught her eye and she looked at me smiling at her and blinked. I was gone before she even reopened her eyes. She's just so damn beautiful I can't help it. Watching her is very entertaining. She's intense. My dad has left me alone since I stopped seeing Rain. I actually made it another week before I snuck into her room. She's sleeping of course. She's so adorable when she sleeps. Like a cute sleeping puppy after a bath. I smiled down at her and she must have heard me, she stirred in her sleep. At first I thought she fell back asleep, but she didnt.

"Lex?" she asked rubbing her eyes. I was about halfway out her window when she told me to wait. Ugh. I'm an idiot. I pulled myself back through her window and went over to her. I sat next to her on the bed.

"Did I really see you a few weeks ago." she asked me curiously. I didnt answer her I just stared at the ceiling frowning. She turned toward me on her side and I fought the urge to look at her. (you made it 3 weeks before you caved. You are pathetic) I growled. You know what you son of a bastard?!? Shut your fucking mouth!!! I can't help it ok I LOVE HER. IM DRAWN TO HER. You made me like this. So shut your mouth. You can't get mad at me for loving her. Which I do. And fuck you dick, I'm going to be with her forever and you can't do a damn thing about it!!!!

After my little rant I tried to remain in control of myself. Keyword being tried. Rain obviously know I was gonna ignore her so she flipped over on her stomach to go back to sleep. I was suddenly on top of her and I pulled her head back a little by her hair. I bit my arm and forced my blood down her throat. Then I sunk my teeth into her throat and drank just enough blood that I could feed her my own without her dying completely. I took out the blade I carry with me out of my bra and cut both of our wrists. I pressed them together and I could feel my blood rushing out of my body and Into hers. When I feed the blood I drink becomes my blood. The human cells get turned into demon and vampire cells. She wont get the demon cells, just the vampire ones. I pulled my wrist away from hers and both of ours healed. Suck on that dad!!! So much for your making her a demon plan!!! Yeah I made my own option. You said I couldn't love a human!! She's not human anymore!! Loop hole bitch. I can hear her heart as it reluctantly slows down. I knew i said i would never do this, but i had to. It was my only choice. The one that would cause her the least pain. I did it for her. I defied my father the devil to save her. I didn't save her, but at least now she will live. Well not really. Her heart stopped. Now there is no difference between her heart and mine. They are both dead. Her heart stopped which means the change will start soon. The eyes will change, her nails will grow, her teeth will extend, and thats not even the worst part. her Insides will be dying off and shifting around to suit her vampire needs. That's the worst part of it all. Absolute and utter horrible disturbing and gutwrenching pain. I never wanted her to have to go through this. But he forced me to this. I smacked my forehead with the palm of my hand and pulled her into my arms. She will wake up soon. She will be awake for the most painful experience of her life.  I pulled her into my arms.

"I love you. I'm sorry hon." I whispered into her ear as I felt her stir in my arms. She went to scream but I kissed her and it was muffled into my mouth. I pulled away and the one thing I never wanted to see on the most beautiful girl ever, I saw: vampire eyes. She went to scream again but I covered her mouth with my hand. That's how I sat the entire time, with my hands clamped over her mouth and her in my arms as she experienced her insides being ripped apart. I kept whispering I'm sorry love into her ear and i kissing her forehead. It didn't help though. Every scream into my hand hurt me just a little bit more than the last.

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