Chapter 1

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"Maddy, Avery come here please," I can hear their little feet running from upstairs and into the living room 

"Yes?" They both say standing there innocently. I am not even going to question what they were doing. I am sure I will find out later.

"We are going to visit grandma and grandpa next week down in South Carolina."

"Really?" Maddy says her eyes light up. Maddy loves to go visit my mom. I'm sure it's because she spoils her more than anything

"Yes, I have some business to take care of in South Carolina. We will be there for about two weeks."

"When do we leave?" Is Avery's only response. He is much like Milo was in high school. If he doesn't have to do extra work, he is down for whatever.

"We leave first thing in the morning. Go pack some clothes and all the entertainment you want to take." I dismiss them leading them to run back upstairs to pack. I call my mom and let her know that we will be crashing at her place then I begin packing as. 

As I pack, I start to think. 

"Ava. Is that you?" Turning around I am faced with Dave Gully. Dave was Milo's best friend in high school, but once Milo signed for college all that changed.

"Dave? I haven't seen you in years." We pull each other into a hug and simultaneously check each other out

"I know. It's been what...four years? How are you? How have you been?" Dave asks me as we have started making our way out of the cereal isle

"Well, I am a doctor. I am an anesthesiologist at Jacee-Grace Memorial in Phoenix." I try to be a short as possible. I know my mom will come back with the twins soon and I know he will figure it all out. 

"Oh, so what are you doing back here on the east side?"

"Visiting my mom. How are you?" I glance around, on the lookout for my mother

"I'm great. I stayed here and now I-" 

"Ava, they really want that caramel ice cream. They are persistent. I thought you were a demanding child, but they have you beat," My mom interrupts Dave, walking up with my kids in tow "Oh, hey, Dave. I haven't seen you in what seems like forever." My mom says pulling him into a hug

"Yes, mom, that would be because you never leave the house," The sigh I release is a mixture of annoyance and fear, "I'll take them. You go get whatever you need." I extend my arms beckoning them over

Maddy and Avery walk over to where I am and look at Dave with questioning eyes.

"You're a mom." He is not asking

"Yea, I am." I move to walk away from him 

"How old are they?" He asks now following us

"Not that it is any of your concern, they are four now," I am stopped by an arm pulling me back. The kids don't take lightly to this and both start hitting Dave's leg

"Let mommy go!" Avery shouts

"It's fine. I'm fine my loves." I snatch away from Dave and shoot him a glare, "These are my children and that's all you need to now. It was nice seeing you again." I take my leave with the plan to get as far away from him as possible

"Wait," he says, coming to stand in front of me again, "I know who their father is Ava they look like him. Does he know at least?"

I shake my head no. Of course, he would be the person to two and two together.

"Are these spring break babies? I was at that party too, you know." He smirked, already knowing the answer to that question 

"Yeah, they are. I thought we were safe that night.  I swear I tried to tell him. Every time I reach out I get sent to a fan mail page or no response at all."

"His loss, right? If you ever need help," He glances towards my kids who are now occupied with random pulling the coupons from the little machine, "Don't hesitate to call." He hands my business card before walking away

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