
5.2K 166 54

I love you all so much like 5k?! For real?!

And I'm almost to my goal of 100.. *Sniffs* I love you guys so much..

Um.. There is cursing in here but please know its for story purposes only.

Enjoy the modern time.. Unless you don't like modern time that is..



Summer or Pastel POV

I hiss as we finally made it out the portal. The smell.. The busy cars, the tall skyscraper buildings, the rushing people walking across the street. I'm home.. I'm home..

New York. The big apple.

But it was kind of hard moving since Melody's body was still healing. The torn muscles really leave me sore, but I healed her the best I could and that matters. I guess they're are perks to dying and putting most to all of your chakra in your little girl. Though it is strange.. I'm using my dead daughters body while using a transformation jutsu. But, because we are in the 'Real' world the transformation Jutsu laid off and now I am portrayed as Kūkyo? I have to get the Akatsuki safely to my sisters house but uh.. I might have forgotten where it is exactly.. Hehe.. Oops.. I sheepishly scratched my head as I looked around embarrassed. I should have planned this better..

There are millions of people living here, it'll be hard to track where my Nee-chan is, and I was dead for a bout 100 years...

Jesus I'm rusty, maybe it's also because I'm in her body? Oh god. I forgot this little girl was a little genius and owned her own company. What did she do again? Or own in better lack of words.

And the men, they need disguises never mind, let people think they are cosplayers... And my little girl is famous, well to nerds. My sister, Ellie should be.. 38? But knowing her she'll resemble a brooding 25 year old. I should have set her and Madara together they would have been perfect coup-

Off topic! Off topic! I peek at the men in front of me who stared well.. Down on me as if I'm in charge. Oh wait... I am.. Crap.

"I forgot a view things to say. Kūkyo is famous in this world. She's a brilliant kid, like.. Really smart." I say dumbly as I sweat drop.

Idiots.. I thought harshly to myself.

''My little girl was brought up as an orphan." I say then pointed to Zetsu. "Get rid of the plant thing center around you. Or else I will cut it off."

Zetsu white side was frighten while the black sighed was a little.. Snarky. "Shut up woman, we'll do it but don't threaten us.. ." He mumbles lastly as I got an irk Mark.

"Shut the hell up Madara or I'll chop your balls off!" I growl giving a rough smack to the left side leaving the blacks side to growl but refrain from saying something.

"I don't have any balls.." I heard him mumble. "And I'm a will.."

"And we are not Madara, we are Zetsu."

"Well stop acting like him and we won't have a problem." I say dismissively. I then turn to the Uchiha. "Turn it off, do not turn it back on unless I say so." Though he didn't say anything he did turn it off silently staring at me.

"Now you." Looking at Pein. "I seriously don't know what to do with you.." I mumble.. "Oh!" I grab into the pouch and pulled out the cracked hot Cotten candy mask. "Put this on."

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