One Day

588 29 43

Warnings: Five stages of grief (including depression), suicidal thoughts/actions, slight smuttiness, alcoholism, angst, death

Word Count: 21.3k+ Oops

ALSO: the three dots you will see are memories. Any piece of the story written under the three dots and above the next three dots are memories.

This used to be titled "Saudade" but I changed it to "One Day". This has also been uploaded on the CosmiCCollabs Troyler One-Shots for a few months now so it's possible you've already read it. I'm very very very proud. Also, the beginning of this one-shot were chapters that were uploaded here before I made it a one-shot so sorry if it seems repetitive. 

Soul mates are a myth. Sweet stories created for people who are desperately searching for the one they will spend the rest of their life with. I never believed in them.

But now, staring down at the dirty blonde head of Tyler, I could feel my heart pull at the thought of soul mates. He was just so lovely, so beautiful. He was generous, sweet, caring, sexy, and extremely considerate of my feelings. Perfection doesn't exist to most people, but he's perfect to me.

I stroked my fingers through his hair for the hundredth time, and he hummed like he did every other time. I was pretty content with our mornings. It was the same, more or less, every morning. I'd wake up (by the alarm, which we decided was Lucky by Jason Mraz) to him with his head on my chest, and I'd start stroking his hair to wake him up so we could start our day. After he woke up, we'd continue to lie there for a few more minutes until one of us begrudgingly got up.

"Baby...we should get up." Tyler whispered against my bare chest and I closed my eyes lightly, humming back while stroking his hair one last time.

"Okay." I voiced, and then we slowly sat up. He turned around and gave me a soft lazy smile. I returned it and raised my hand, resting it on his cheek just to graze my thumb over his cheekbone. "Good morning, beautiful." I whispered. He shook his head and then leaned forward, placing a firm but languid kiss on my lips. When he moved back, I raked my hand through my hair and stretched my back. "What are the plans for today?"

"I have to upload a video and then film one for next week, then I'm going to head over to Trevor for our monthly analysis meeting. I should be back by seven." He explained and I wanted to groan at his busy schedule. That's just what happened when Tyler had over twenty four million subscribers, was on the board of the Trevor Project, and even interviewed Lady Gaga once.

"Alright. I have to upload a video too, then I'm going over to the recording studio to finish recording the album, and I have like three meetings today." Then again, it's not like I was any less busy. I already had four albums, my original EP, and the album I was creating now. I had performed plenty of concerts, opened concerts for other singers (including Lady Gaga, which is where Tyler interviewed her). I guess I had to factor into how busy our days were.

"Three meetings?!" Tyler exclaimed in surprise and I sighed, nodding my head.

"The first one is about how to announce the new setlist, the second one is the new album, and the third one is about something else, they haven't told me yet. I'll be home pretty late...maybe nine?" I replied and he pouted out his bottom lip, averting his eyes. He may be thirty-one now, but he was still just as childish.

"Okaaay..." He mumbled. Suddenly his eyes lit up and he looked up to meet mine. "Are you free for lunch?" He asked and I grinned, reaching forward to intertwine our fingers, which rested on the bed as I nodded my head.

"Yep, just like everyday." I reminded and placed a quick kiss on his cheek. "Come on, let's shower."


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2015 ⏰

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