Chapter 2

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Hey there! :D So I Love that you guys are reading my book and i really don't have much to talk about besides: Comment and vote, also let me know what you think should happen and i'll try to fit it in :)        Picture on the side for Luke   - Enjoy:)-

To tell you something, it's not fun waking next to someone who is laughing at you. Oh let me recap, and tell you what exactly happened.

I had a crazy dream that I met this super hot but really, really annoying guy that followed me everywhere and got on my nerves, and when i woke up he was standing in front of me with a smirk that could kill someone. I guess it was funny at how my facial expression was when i woke up, because he literally died inside. If he had an inside.

"Wow... it was so.... easy to get.. inside your head!" He said in between laughs. He pointed his finger towards me. He started laughing again.

"Your face!!!" He held onto his stomach and bent over.

I open my mouth to say something, but I guess I really don't know how to word it, So to speak. To tell the truth I was completely shocked.

How is it possible for him to be in my dream, when I don't even know the guy? He slowly calmed himself down and took a deep breath. I rub my eyes and stand up awkwardly. He walks forward reluctantly holding out his hand for me to shake it. I eyeball it and stick out my finger instead of my hand. He let's out a small chuckle and willingly shakes it. Never taking my eyes off of him I pull my hand away, and awkwardly walked away from him keeping my back against the tree I was laying on. His deep dark brown eyes never leaving mine. He had a slightly amused smile spreading across his face. Once I got around it I made a run for it.

Luke called from behind me. "Hey where you going?" He started running after me. I didn't look back at him. There is no way he could catch up with me, being almost 15 feet in front of him. I picked up my pace and sooner things became a blur to me. I was running past trees, and jumping over fallen branches.

I would be good in track and field.

I had to come to a stop quickly or I would of fallen off a large hill. I turned around and looked around me. Luke, was no where. I heard movement coming from my side. I picked up a large branch and walked towards the noise.

I'm really starting to regret leaving my house.

 Your retarded. Why did you leave?

I don't even know why I am reacting like this. It's probably just a squirrel jumping around looking for nuts.

I creep up to where I hear the noise and it stops when I reach a tree. I see a squirrel jump off a branch.

Oh your so smart, thinking someone was going to jump you.

I turn around and lean up against a tree. Closing my eyes, I stay silent taking in the nature.


Why cant I get you out of my head?

I open my eyes slowly and push away my thoughts. Today is going to be different. I'm going to see what the world is really like.

I take a step forward Walking in the opposite direction. The noise I was hearing came back, and was a lot closer.

Is it Luke?

Next thing I know is something big falls from the sky and lands right in front of me. 

I backed up and looked to see who it was, and it was a very tall guy with curly hair and he has a caramel skin tone. A small smirk comes across his face as he takes a look at me. His eyes trail back up to mine and he jumps forward to where his lips are brushing my ear and almost whispers to himself,

"Boo."  His deep husky voice rings in my ear.

I could tell he is amused with how he's making me react to him. He backs away slowly and shoves his hands in his pocket to look for something. I back up to lean up against the tree I was before.

You almost peed your pants, I'm surprised you didn't scream...

He pulled out his phone and started to move his fingers fast. To my guess, he's probably texting. The awkward silence between us is really starting to creep me out.

He puts his hands back in his pocket, and stares at the leaf covered ground. After a few minutes of silence, we hear fast footsteps running through the woods. Curly turned his head towards the noise and a small smirk comes across his face. I don't know his name so I will call him Curly for now. He stood there for a second until he braced himself, to be tackled or something.

I was right.

A fast blur ran past me and tackled Curly to the ground. He rolled around for a second before jumping up into a tree and running around it like a squirrel. My mouth was agape. How on earth could someone do this?

Never in my life have I EVER seen something like this. My life is one crazy place. First, someone, who I have never met in my life be in my dream, to only me right in front of me when i wake, Second, I'm watching two things that CAN NOT be real, run around a tree like squirrels. I think I'm high...

Curly and the other person jump down and I gasp at who I see. Its Luke. I open and close my mouth like a fish, while these two complete strangers stare at me with an amused smile. finally Curly breaks away the silence and turns to look at Luke.

"I think I won that one." The corners of Curly's mouth lifted up into a small smile. Luke looked at Curly and returned a smile.

"Ha! I dominated you. I heard you let out a small yelp." He used his fingers to emphasize 'yelp'.

"I did not do that." He snapped.

"Did too."

"Did not."



They are like two toddlers fighting over a toy or something. And like it was a routine, they both turned to me expecting me to say something. I open my mouth to say something, but they go off again arguing over who won. They were both walking forward towards me pushing and shoving each other into things until they were only a few steps in front of me. Luke took a step forward towards me and a playful smile tugged at his lips.

"Now, Aileen who do you think won?" His dark brown eyes locked with my icy blue ones, and I fell into a deep sleep almost until, A flash went through my head telling me to chose Curly. I watch as Luke leans one arm against the tree and drops his gaze to look over my body slowly. My cheeks turn bright red, and I am almost able to cry.

"I-i don't know." I stuttered. Luke smiled. He knew the effect he was giving me. And i hated it.

And with that both of their phones buzzed and they gave each other a look and took off with a blink of an eye.

Leaving me standing there, with no memory of what happened at all. Nothing but a small piece.

Luke and Curly, are not human....

Duh they're not human-----

 Heyy!!! Was that good? I don't really know so, if you see a problem please tell me and i will try to fix it for you and i promise the next update wont take that long hopefully..... Well with that,

Please vote, comment. It would mean a lot, also read my other books. Tell me about them i guess....


 Bye!!! xD

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