20 random facts

37 1 4

1. more than 10 people a year are killed by vending machines

2. gum is illegal in Singapore

3. if you spell out all of the numbers individually, you will get to a thousand before you find an "a"

4. a duck has more neck bones than a giraffe

5. lighting is 5 times hotter than the sun

6. it takes about 4 seconds for a silence to get awkward

7. there actually exists a final episode of famous cartoon Tom and Jerry in which both committed suicide

8. hamsters are illegal in Hawaii

9. Barbies full name is Barbara Milicent Roberts

10. there are currently more plastic flamingos in the USA than real ones

11. you weigh slightly less under a full moon

12. when you dream your body is paralyzed

13. it is impossible to spell a word only using the bottom row of a laptop/computer keyboard

14. every character you kill in assassins creed was a real person and the date and location of their death was accurate

15. people who smile and laugh the most are also the ones who experience the most pain

16. even if you have a perfect and normal vision, there exists two colors that you have never seen

17. Capitian, a German shepherd, has slept on his owner's grave for 6 years. craziest part: he was never showed the grave site, he found it himself

18. Nike's slogan 'Just Do It' came from a murderers LAST words

19. go on google maps. type in: 52.376552, 5.198303 and you'll see a man dragging a body into the lake

20. think of a number.  double it.  add six.  half it.  take away the number you started with.     your answer is three

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