Chapter 1

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Eric was on his knees, begging Godric not to burn. It broke my heart to watch Eric beg like that. Godric just wasn't having it though. When he sent Eric away, I walked toward Godric, knowing that if he was to die, I would not let him do it alone. He began walking out of the shade of the building, into where the sun would be—and the sun would be there very soon.

"Please don't do this," I whisper, knowing that he can hear me. "You saved me. I should save you now."

He looks up at me with a sad smile playing on his lips. "Sookie, it is not that easy. I have done...terrible things. I do not deserve to live."

"Yes you do. We all deserve to live. I've done some pretty terrible things, and I've seen terrible things, but you don't see me setting myself on fire," I plead with him. I realize that I have tears streaming down my face. Somehow within the last two days, I have managed to fall in love with him. To hell with Bill.

"Give me a reason, Sookie," he says, imploring me to give him a reason to live. He just wants to be told.

"Godric, I want you to live. I..." I trail off, not knowing what to say. "I have feelings for you. It's crazy that I feel this way after only two days, but I just need you to know that, and I want it to be enough."

Before I can even process what I told him, he has sped over to me, and is crashing his lips against mine. I work my hands into his hair, and he picks me up. He carries me down the stairs and back to his room at the hotel, and sets me on the bed. He kneels in front of me and begins kissing me again. I scoot back on the bed, never releasing his face. He begins to unbutton my dress, button by button, looking at me every now and then, as if asking for permission. I give him a slight nod, and he continues his decent. With every button he opens, he places a soft kiss on the skin beneath, until he has every button undone.

He looks up at me one final time, with me nodding again, giving him all the permission he needs. He kisses his way up and down both of my thighs, scraping his fangs along as he goes. He stops at my center, looking at it greedily before slowly running his tongue along my slit. He's very good at this. I clutch the sheets in my hand, feeling no shame as I cry out his name. He continues his ministrations with his tongue, and adds his fingers to the mix. Before long, I am clenching around him, panting heavily. Before I can come down completely from my high, he has entered me in one long thrust, pausing to let me adjust to him.

And then he plunges into me, almost desperately. I throw my arms around his neck, encouraging him to continue. I feel myself close again, and tell him so. He picks my hips up, holding me off the bed, and let me tell you, that man knows what he's doing. I come again, digging my nails into his arms, crying out his name, over and over. Godric. Not Bill. In that moment, though, I don't care. He bites his wrist, and gives it to me to drink from. When I feel him go rigid, I know he is very close, and when he does come, he bites into my breast, drinking my blood. It is absolute nirvana.

As we lay there he looks at me curiously.

"What is it?" I ask, suddenly feeling self-conscious.

"Nothing. You are very beautiful, that is all," he tells me, tucking my head beneath his chin. I sigh, realizing what I have done. "Godric, I have to collect my things from Bill's room. I can't stay in there after this. I'm sure I smell of you."

I get off the bed and button my dress back up. Godric is watching me intently, like something is on his mind.

"Where will you stay?" he asks.

"I'll probably just get my own room for the night and then head home tomorrow," I tell him, resignedly.

"Don't do that. Stay with me," he says, grinning boyishly. I can't help but smile back at him.

"Godric..." I trail off. I don't really have a reason to say no. We just had sex for god's sake. "Okay, fine I'll stay with you tonight. But then I'm going home."

He grins at me again, and hops off the bed. "I'll accompany you to collect your things."

"You'll do no such thing," I tell him seriously. "Besides, you need to tell Eric that you have decided to stay. He deserves to know."

I walk out of the room, praying that Bill is not in the room when I get there. I slide my keycard, and walk in. What I see shocks me. Bill is sitting on the couch grinding against some naked fangbanger. I gasp, not able to contain myself. I shouldn't feel betrayed. Hell, I just slept with Godric. But after listening to the girl's thoughts, I know it isn't the first time this has happened.

"What the hell are you doing?" I yell when I see them.

Bill scrambles up and puts his robe back on, telling the woman to leave, immediately. "Sookie, I had to feed. You weren't here."

"Bullshit," I say. "I heard her thoughts. This isn't the first time that she's been with you," I tell him. I am crying again.

"Sookie, why do you smell of Godric?" he asks quietly.

"Because I convinced him to not burn," I tell him. He doesn't deserve to know the truth anymore.

The next thing I know, he has me pinned to the wall. "Listen here, you little bitch. You fucked him, didn't you? I can't have that, you know. I am supposed to deliver you to the queen, and if I don't then it is my life in the balance, do you understand?" he growls, very softly. And then I feel it. He has slapped me hard. My cheek stings, and I fall to the floor, sobbing. Bill is stalking me, circling around me, when I hear the door crash open.

"Compton," I hear. It is said very quietly, but with authority. I know it must be Godric. "You will leave the girl alone."

"And why would I do that?" he asks, laughing. "You are not my sheriff or my king; therefore you have no power over me."

"She is mine," Godric growls back.

"You think just because you fucked her you have claim to her?"

"Bill, I am Godric's," I say shakily, trying to get to my feet. Bill lunges at me then, but he never even makes it close. Godric is standing where Bill was moments ago, holding an improvised stake. His fangs are drawn, and the look on his face is one of pure fury. He drops the stake and runs to me at vampire speed, trying to assess the damage.

"Sookie, I think your cheek is broken," he tells me. He goes to bite his wrist, but I stop him.

"I have already had some of your blood. It will heal," I say.

He packs my things for me, and carries me back to his room, and lays me in bed. He drops my bags to the floor, and fishes around one of them for a nightgown. When he finds it, he smiles triumphantly. He walks over to me, helping me pull of my ruined dress, and pull on my nightgown. He gets into bed beside me, and spoons me from behind. He strokes my hair and rubs my back as I fall asleep.

When I finally begin to drift off to sleep, it is with thoughts of Godric, and the life that we could have together. That night, I finally sleep with a smile on my face.

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