One :)

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Okay so this is my second studnet teacher ;)

And my 3rd story on wattpad :)

 It will be short my lovelys its a taster... if i get 7?

yer 7 votes and i will post more ;)

 or 7 comments :)


"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to Jasper! Happy birthday to you!"

I laughed as confetti got thrown round me. I'm at my best friend Chrissie’s house and we are having a party for my 19th birthday.

"Okay now for the big event!" I grinned as she clapped her hands and in walked a police man. He was very sexy and beautiful. I may have been a little  bit tipsy.

“I hear you’ve been a very bad girl Jasper. I think I need to take you down town, to teach you some manners.” His voice sounded as sexy as he hooked his fake handcuffs round his index finger, swinging it in circles. I bit my lip, holding back a moan as he handcuffed my arms round the back of the chair. I vaguely saw and heard what the girls were saying about how hot he was and what they wanted to do to him in bed. Yes, we they were all very tipsy, post defiantly drunk.

He stepped back and dropped the key down his boxers.

“You want out? Come get the key.” All of the girls hooted as he started taking of his bullet proof jacket and hat, sitting the hat on my head. Sweat by Snoop Dogg and David Guetta blasted through Chrissie’s  speakers as he started stripping. I love this song… I like it even more now!


Walking into Chrissie’s kitchen my head pounded as I made myself a mug of coffee.

“Mmm, make me one while you at it.” Kaya mumbled getting some clean glasses out the cupboard and aspirin.

“Ow. Why does Chrissie always make us party so hard?” I half-heartedly complained as we both downed the water and aspirin.

“That’s not what you were saying last night when you and Mr Aaron went to your room.” She smirked but then changed her mind as she cringed.

“Yeah well, I don’t even know if he’s still here. I think he was in the shower when I woke up.” She mumbled a response as heavy footsteps sounded into the kitchen and in came Mr-Police-Man-Aaron and his 2 “back up” Wess and Mitch.

Yes as a birthday present my best friends got me strippers. At the time I loved it. And then last night I loved it. But now… not so much, because I need to talk to them… as a normal human. Yay.

“Well this aint’ awkward…” Aaron trailed off scratching his neck. He was the hottest one, out of the three. He had short brown hair and light stubble and a well-defined 6 pack. His arms were decorated in a few tattoo’s. And I forgot one small deat’. All three of these hot guys were standing shirtless in my best friends kitchen.

My birthday cop is my teacher?Where stories live. Discover now