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christmas in the city // matt wertz


Mina stared in astonishment as Taehyung left her table, watching him until he exited the cafeteria with a smug grin on his face. the present sat on the table in front of her, begging to be opened. she still didn't trust him, but she might as well open it. 

"Well, damn." Rachel said, breaking mina out of her trance. Rachel looked almost as stunned as her. "Taehyung is so hot." 

Mina elbowed her side. "He's also a class-A jerk."

"You didn't deny that he's attractive. If you had any sense in you, you'd take advantage of this and flirt a little with him before I swoop in and steal him."

Mina scoffed. "You can have him."

"No, I'm serious. I think you two would look quite cute together, actually." 

"How do you know him, anyway? I've never heard of him until last week." she said. Surely, she would've noticed someone as good-looking as Taehyung if she'd passed him in the hall. 

"You don't know half the people's names in our class. Doesn't surprise me that you don't know him."

"Well, I think it's a little weird how he knows my name." 

"Lucky you, Mina Kim. I think he's taken a liking to you." Rachel said. She took a glance at the present. "Now please open that present. I'm dying to know what's inside."

Mina looked down at the gift. There was a sense of deja-vu that washed over her as she tore the wrapping off the box and lifted the lid. She wasn't expecting anything worth her time in the box, but it turned out to be just the opposite. 

"Woah." rachel muttered, hovering over her. 

Mina pulled out the necklace, holding up in the air. There was a snow globe chain dangling at the end, gold and glistening as the light hit it. It was nothing expensive, probably bought at some local shop, but it was a nicer gift than Mina ever expected to be inside. 

"Just put it on!" someone shouted from the other end of the table. 

"Ya, I can put it on when I want." Mina snapped, setting it back into the box. 

Rachel laughed. "Maybe you should message him. He did tell you to text him once you opened it." 



message to 'that dickhead' : opened it

message to 'that dickhead': thanks i guess

message to 'that dickhead' : you're still a jerk though 

message from 'that dickhead' :  you know you like me ;) 

message to 'that dickhead' : you wish 


Mina didn't see Taehyung for the rest of the week, and almost completely forgot about him as she focused on school work. At least, she tried to. The idea of winter break arriving in a week and everything that came along with Christmas made Mina stray from her studying. She just wanted to have fun and enjoy the winter, not sit at home at her desk all day long. It was snowing, for God's sake, and here she was, studying for yet another test sipping a cup of hot cocoa in her room. 

The necklace from Taehyung sat on her desk, the box so strikingly red as if it was begging to be noticed. Mina stared blankly at the box, her fingers itching to take another look at the necklace. To be fair, she hadn't taken it out again since that lunch. 

Mina sighed, biting her lip as she fought to push away those thoughts and focus on her test. "Aish. Oh, what the fuck." she huffed, snatching the box off the table. She held up the necklace again, contemplating for a moment too long before clasping it around her neck. 

She stood in front of the mirror, gazing down at the gold chain around her neck. She almost couldn't believe someone as blunt as Taehyung would have such good taste in choosing jewelry for girls. Then again, with those looks he probably had tons of experience in dealing with things like presents for girlfriends. 

Mina threw her face in her hands. She was getting too carried away with her thoughts and wasting precious time thinking about a boy who was most likely making a fool out of her. 


this is such crap im sorry lol im trying to write and study for finals simultaneously and its not working out so well 

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