Chapter 3

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It was dark by the time the Mystery Hack dropped it's anchor in the foggy bay of the Island of Sirens. Everyone except for Ford and Dipper were below deck, their ears covered in case a "song" was sung. Ford was running through a list of precautions and "what to do if"'s and Dipper was only have listening. He wasn't scared or nervous, he was...anxious. He fingered the gold whistle around his neck, his eyes on the dingy in the water.

"Uncle Ford, why did that demon call me Pine Tree?" He wondered, interrupting the captain. Ford frowned slightly the shrugged.

"No reason in particular, Dipper. Perhaps he was referencing the engraving on your sword?" He suggested. Dipper just looked at the moonlight dancing on the water, unconvinced. Ford took a deep breath and put his hands on his grandnephew' shoulders.

"You ready? Remember, once you find the right siren, get it to follow you. I'll drop the special net on it from above." He instructed. Dipper nodded and began climbing down the ladder to the dingy. "Oh, and Dipper?" The boy looked up, one foot in the small boat, the other on the ladder.

"Be careful." Ford worried. Dipper gave him a reassuring smile then sat down in the dingy, grabbing the oars, and paddling out into the bay.

~*~*~Nearly Dawn~*~*~

For the longest time, there was nothing but silence, and Dipper wondered if perhaps the siren knew this was a trap. Dipper saw a flash from the ship that signaled he should return. With a sigh of disappointment, Dipper took up the oars and started heading back. Before he could get anywhere, though, something caught hold of the front of his boat. Dipper froze in shock, almost too afraid to turn around and see what it was.

"Leaving so soon, Pine Tree?" A voice behind him said. Just as the boy whipped his head around, the creature disappeared under the surface, the only sign it had been there was the flick of a golden tail.

"Now, are you going to keep rowing," the voice was behind Dipper again, "or would you like me to push you back?" Dipper turned his head slowly and his jaw dropped slightly. Leaning on the back of his boat was a boy that looked to be around his age, that is to say fifteen, with golden blonde hair and glowing yellow eyes. His teeth were white and slightly pointed at the tips as he grinned at Dipper, and his big golden tail splashed sea water in Dipper's face, making the boy splutter. The creature laughed and Dipper used his sleeve to wipe off the water.

"You''re..." Dipper stuttered. The blonde boy leaned up into the boat, a finger to his lips.

"Ah ah ah, Pine Tree. Speaking wasn't part of the plan. Go on, lead me away. Or should I go see ol' Fordsy myself?" Before Dipper could say another word, the creature flipped over backwards under the water, nearly capsizing he dingy. Dipper saw the glimmer of the gold in the rising sun, shooting towards the ship.

"Captain Ford, watch out!" The boy cried, rowing as quickly as he could. Dipper climbed up the side of the ship just as Ford dropped the net on the siren, which had stopped to hiss at him. Dipper stepped on to the deck as the siren was raised into the air by the pulley. The siren's tail had disappeared once the water left him, and was replaced by two legs clothed in a pair of ripped shorts. He was still missing a shirt, though. Dipper was at his Uncle's shoulder, staring in awe at the creature.

"Whoa...a real life siren..." He muttered. The creature smirked, leaning back leisurely in the net.

"I'm flattered, kid, but you've got it all wrong. It's Cipher not Siren." He said with a smirk. Ford narrowed his eyes in anger.

"Cipher, I'm giving you a choice. You can either join our crew, or become our prisoner." He growled. The creature let out a laugh. The sound stirred something uncomfortable inside of Dipper, and he took a step back. The creature's eyes shined brightly and the net started smoking.

"What, you actually thought I didn't know what you were going to do? You think you can actually capture me?" He sneered. The net burst into flames and the creature leapt into the air. Golden flames served as the monster's wings, so bright it made the sun seem pathetic.

"A deal's a deal, Stanford. I want what belongs to me!" The creature demanded. Ford drew his sword, blocking Dipper protectively, although he knew the boy was more likely better with a sword than the captain himself. The boy was beginning to panic. Nothing he had read in the journal prepared him for the truth. This was most definitely not a siren, yet... It began to sing.

"Don't close your eyes, it isn't safe to dream..." Ford let out a scream, falling to his knees, his hands pressed against his ears.

"The fabric of reality is bursting at the seems..." Dipper ran forward, putting the cold metal of the gold whistle to his lips. He had no idea what the whistle would do, but he had to try something. Just as the monster opened its mouth to continue the song, Dipper took a deep breath and blew the whistle. The sound which emitted was loud, sweet, piercing. The monster's eyes widened and it let out a terrible cry of pain. His wings disappeared and he crashed to the deck, trembling, his hands pressed against the sides of his head. Ford was getting to his feet, so Dipper ran to the creature's side, feeling guilty.

"Oh God..." He breathed when he saw a golden liquid seeping from the creature's ears. "I-I'm sorry! I had no idea..." He started to say. Ford grabbed the creature roughly, dragging him to his feet and pressing a knife edged with gold to his throat.

"We know your weakness, Cipher. Pure gold. A pretty unfortunate weakness, considering this is a pirate ship." Ford hissed. Cipher wasn't paying attention to the captain of the blade on his neck. He was watching Dipper, who was on his feet, his trembling fingers still wrapped around the whistle.

"That's a pretty handy gimmick you've got their, Pine Tree. I'm guessing, then, that you've met my father?" He asked. Dipper furrowed his eyebrows.

"Your father?" Was he talking about the demon? That would explain the creature's strange abilities. "Wait, if you're not a siren, then what are you?" Dipper wondered. Ford was already beginning to lead the creature away to the specialized cage in the brig under deck. The monster grinned at Dipper over his shoulder.

"I am a siren, Pine Tree, that's just not all I am."

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