Saitama VS. Goku Part 2

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One punch man opening
By Jam Project, Madhouse

I do not own this video, credits go to its specific owners and creators.

The light came closer and closer...

Saitama's face became more serious and serious...

Saitama gripped his fists...

He seems like he wasn't going to dodge...


He's going to take a punch on the Kamehameha?!


Saitama X Goku Part 2


Bwoosh. Kabangg! Krach!

Saitama punches the Kamehameha, he was trying to punch it away... But something was wrong...

In Saitama's mind: What the?! How is it not moving away...

For the first time in a long time... Saitama was intimidated.

Saitama: God... You're pretty strong...

Goku: So are you, you haven't move an inch yet from that spot. But this time I'm putting in more power! HA!

In Saitama's mind: If he puts more power I might be critically injured... or maybe even dead...

Saitama: I've gotta dodge then!

Saitama dodges before Goku could put more power into the Kamehameha.

The Kamehameha hit the building behind Saitama and it was completely blown to pieces... into dust... and so were the other buildings behind it.

Saitama: What's with this guy?! He's crazy powerful!

Goku: I didn't think you would dodge, you got scared didn't ya?

Saitama: Not just that... I'm really fired up.

A dark sinister aura surrounds Saitama.

Goku started sweating...

Goku: This feeling... its like that episode on Hunter x Hunter when they felt Pitou's aura!

Beads of sweat on Goku's forehead started to grow as he knew something bad was going go happen.

Saitama: If 1 punch can't take you out, I'll use two... no maybe even 3.

Goku's eyes become bigger and he stood there, unable to move.

In Goku's mind: C'mon move! Stupid body why won't you move?!

Saitama walked towards Goku. Step by step.

With every step Saitama took, Goku knew his life was in more danger...

Goku: Why can't I move?!

As Saitama was only an arm length away from Goku... He raised his right arm, getting ready to take the first punch...

Goku really was fucked.


Meanwhile at City Z Hero HQ


Manager of City Z heroes:
What?! There's a somewhat God level disaster in this city?! And it is only one person?!

A Class hero associate: Yes sir, I have recieved a call from Genos, an S class. He said about that B class Saitama taking care of that God level threat.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2015 ⏰

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