
132 4 7

Type: Group Chat
People: Jay,Kai,Zane,Cole,Lloyd,Nya,Sensei Wu,and Pacifica
Group Name: Me Name Pacifica! -_-

Kai: What the fudge is this?

Jay: Come on Kai even Sensei Wu knows what this is and he's like what 500 years old?

Sensei Wu: Jay I am right here and I am barely 69 years old

Jay: And yet you still move faster than Cole

Cole: What's that supposed to mean? -_-

Jay: It means lay off the cake fattie

Cole: Must resist cake!! T-T

Kai: How long do you think he will survive?

Pacifica: I give him about 3 more days?

Zane: Dios mio get out! *wacks Pacifica with a broom*

Pacifica: *looks like a pinata getting hit*

Kai: Shiiiitt! How did she get here? I thought we locked the doors!

Cole: CAKE!!!!

Nya: Dumbass! She's the master of creativity! She can create anything she puts her mind too.

Kai: Aha yeah

Lloyd: I feel so lonely

Shadow: Hiya people!

Lloyd: Screw what I said before! Why hello *wiggles eye brows at Shadow*

Misako: LLOYD GARMADON! STOP TRYING TO ACT COOL! You're embarrassing me!

Lloyd: Moooommm!!!

Misako: *takes of chancla*

Lloyd: Ok ok!

A/n: That was really random! Sorry I was REALLY bored. So I decided to make this. Aha also leave Truth or Dares down below cuz i wanna have some fun!

Lloyd: Nooo

Shadow: Aha send dares!

Kai: You better not comment! Or I will beat y'all ass up!-_-

Jay: I need a bae

Zane: P.I.X.A.L where are you? Adonde estas?

Cole: I need more cake

Pacifica: *laughs evily* The worst is yet to come!-_-

Shadow's owner is Shadow_Odair_75

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