Good Luck

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Lloyd: I have a dare!

Me: Since when are you a host?

Lloyd: Since now!

Me: Whatever!<>~<>

Cole: What's the dare?

Kai: Who's going to be dead?

Shadow_Odair_75: Who is it for?

Lloyd: It's for you! *mischievous grin*

Shadow_Odair_75: *gulps*

Me: Here take this *hands chocolate bar* you're going to need this more than I do.

Shadow_Odair_75: What's the dare? *Shakes and shivers*

Lloyd: The dare is that you have to steal Cole's cake!^~^

Me: Good luck Shadow!

Shadow_Odair_75:*walks over to Cole* Cole

Cole: Yes? -_-

Shadow_Odair_75: *karate chops him*

Cole: *drops cake*

Shadow_Odair_75: *gets cake and burns it*

Cole: *rocking back and forth while crying in the floor* YOU MUST PAY!!!>:(

Shadow_Odair_75: How?

Cole: *tackles and bites*

Shadow_Odair_75: Ahhhh help me!;(;(

Me: Leave her alone

Cole: No

Me: What did you say?-_-

Cole: I SAID NO!!!

Me: Okay Okay! -_- *takes of chancla* un chanclaso Imma give you!!-_- *gives chanclaso to Cole*

Cole: *weeps and runs*

Me: Corale Corale there's more where that came from!-_-

A/n: Damn first day on Wattpad wait it hasn't even even five hours since I got it and I already made a book. And I updated three times now! You should be thankful! ^~^

Leave dares or pm or comment dares and I will work on them asap!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2015 ⏰

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