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This is not plagiarism of any kind. It is me showing gratitude to an amazing writer. I always thought what could of happened afterwards so this is me giving you my view on that. This is not me stealing her ideas or trying to re-write the story this is simply for the people who have curious minds like me. ~~~

Today was the day I knew I would take my last breath on this world. I was not sad as I knew after all this time this could be the day I get to see him again. Harry Styles. Since that day he left me in the grave yard I have done nothing but dream of him. I held that final note close to me all of these years with the picture I keep of him and his grandmothers necklace that is sill around my neck.

As the years passed I had met someone who became my husband. His name is Niall Horan. He reminded me of Harry in some ways. He was very caring and would always try to make me smile. We had two beautiful children together one boy, Mason and one girl, Lexi who I told bed time stories of a beautiful boy who became lost and couldn't find his way. As I lay in my bed with my family around me I wonder what I will say when I see Harry. I replay all of our memories together. The days and nights I would sneak out my window to see him in the woods behind my house and the days we would just sit on the roof. I hope when he crossed over he was able to find happiness and a new happy place where he could go to. I hope he thought of me and didn't forget about me. I never forgot about him. As I say goodbye to my family, it was very emotional but I knew of the after life now. I know one day again we will be together. They can meet the boy in there bedtime stories.

As flashes of Harry come to mind I see something in the distance. It seems so far away from where I am. As I strain myself to get a better look I can see it's moving towards me. It becomes clearer, it's a silhouette. The outline of a person. They get closer to me and I can see the outline of curls. He cannot be here, I must be dreaming? I look to my family around me who are crying hysterically now but they don't seem to see this beautiful boy who's coming towards me.

There he is. He's standing at the end of my bed with his hand stretched out. "You didn't think I'd forget about you now did you" Harry said. Just like that everything came flooding back to me. My first love, that heavenly smile with those dimples on show. His hand was out stretched to me. Without hesitating I took his hand. "How are you here? How is this possible? Have I died? Please tell me this is not another dream?" His sweet laugh filled the room as he looked at me through those big beautiful green eyes. "No darling this is real, I told you I would see you one day" he said.

Before I knew it I threw my arms around his neck holding him as close to me as I could fearing if I let him go he might disappear. This hug seemed different than our previous encounters. He was not cold. His skin did not shock my core with how cold he was. We were finally the same temperature.

"Let's go, we have someone who is really excited to see you" Harry said. As I thought who he could possibly be speaking about, I remembered. Wesley. Oh how I missed that boy.  I was relieved to know that they found each other after Harry had passed on.

I turned one more time to see my family. I whispered, "this is not a goodbye it's a see you later". I placed my hand in Harry's. He shot me a little smile showing off his dimple briefly "are you ready for a new adventure Jane?". I couldn't help but giggle to myself. After all this time we had managed to still be the same. It's like he had never left.

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Phantom ~ Epilogue Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now