Urge (Nathan Sykes Vampire Love Story)

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    I was never the quiet girl in the back -- I loved taking risks. Just with the feeling of the risks made me happy. Never was I the quiet nor perfect teenager; yeah I never technically disobeyed my parents (I just never truly told them my Friday plans) and I certainly was the party animal, but I also was a determined person and that's what separated me from my perfect and well-behaved family. Of course, when my best friend Kayla called me up for a Girl's Night Out at the newest club in downtown LA, I was immediately in.



     Night Vision was a wildly popular club in downtown LA, and very few non-famous people were barely lucky enough to get in somehow. Being owned by a millionaire, Night Vision was bound to be the main attraction in the Party Animals eyes. It was the perfect place for anyone who is anyone to hang out and have a good time, and possibly meet a couple cute guys or girls worthy of making the night cherishable.



    When Kayla and I exited out of the local taxi-cab, both of us instantly knew there was no way that two newly High School graduates who were not even of age to be drinking would get in. But there's always a bright side of being best friends with a rebel-child at heart, and there was no way Kayla or myself was going to completely ruin the night by giving up.



"There's got to be a exit or something around here!" Kayla muttered as we "casually" strolled around Night Vision's perimeter, trying to scout out any access of getting inside. "Every nightclub has an exit, right?"



    Shrugging, I clutched my jacket closer to my frigid body. It was one of those nights that LA got a chilly breeze; it was also one of those nights that I cursed myself for wearing a strapless black dress that hugged my body a little too tight and was a little (or a lot) too low. Of course, wearing high heels wasn't helping the situation either.



    "Maybe we should go and show the bodyguards our IDs." one tiny little thing that I hated most about Kayla: She gave up almost too quickly. And I don't do good with giving up.



    Shaking my head, I began looking around the area. Night Vision was built right near the busy side of LA and you would always see cars zooming by every five seconds, and there were a bunch of older people coming in and out. A particular couple caught my eye, though.



    They were obviously still in High School. Both of them came tumbling out of nowhere, clutching onto each other as they laughed at nothing, clearly drunk. I wasn't too worried about them; it was where they came from that excited me to no end.



    Grinning like an idiot, I grabbed ahold of Kayla's hand and dragged her to where the back entrance was, and surely there were bunches of underage teenagers coming in and out from the exit, some drunk and some sober.



    "I can't believe we're actually inside right now!" squealed Kayla as we entered the club, the lights blinding me instantly.



    "I know right?" I agreed gleefully. "Now let's go party."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2013 ⏰

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