Love is a Demons Curse~ Chapter 7: The Labyrinth

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I don’t know how long Grimalkin and I had been walking together. We were no longer walking the he wide open grass land but now in a mountain terrain. The dark sky had brightened up a bit making it easier for me to see with my normal eyes. We didn’t say much to each other on the way. Grimalkin only spoke to me to see if my wound was bothering me while we were walking but for now I had been perfectly fine.

The two of us made our way on the path what wove up down and all around the mountains. The higher we got the colder it got but the cold didn’t bother me much and didn’t seem to bother Grimalkin either.  As we continued to walk though a thick fog began to roll in making it harder to see everything around me. I slowed my pace and I shifted my eyes to my demon ones. I began looking around but it didn't to me much good at all. I looked up at Grimalkin seeing he hadn’t slowed his pace down

“Uh Grim, do you think you could slow down a bit. I’m having a bit of trouble seeing in this fog.” I said to him placing my hand against the side of the mountain to use as my guide

“Just say close to me and you’ll be fine.” Grimalkin answered not turning to look at me and sounding like he didn’t care

I frowned glaring at his back but picked up my pace walking behind him still feeling uneasy. I didn’t like being vulnerable  with my vision already know that pats of the path had weak points hat would crumble if you stepped on the spot and it also had many sharp curves that it you weren’t careful you would fall of the edge and into the canyon where a large rough watered river flowed. The fog began to grow even thicker than it had been before up to the point to where I couldn’t even see Grimalkin who was a couple inches in front of me. I shifted my hearing and tried listening for Grimalkins’ foot steps but all I could hear was the sound of running water bouncing off the mountains

“Grimalkin I can’t see you, Where are you at?” I called listening for the direction his voice would come from but I had gotten no answer.

“Grimalkin? Grimalkin are you there?” I called out but again I had gotten no answer from him.

I stopped in my tracks as my gut clenched and my stomach began to grow un easy with panic. I shifted my eyes again to my demon ones and looked around the fog trying to find Grimalkin but it didn’t do me a bit of good. That wasn’t a good sign at all. Back home when ever there was fog my demon sight always allowed me to see through it easily. Something was very different about this fog and I didn’t like it one bit.

I began to grow very uneasy standing there allow in the thick fog that I couldn’t see though.  Then the hairs on the back of my neck began to stand on end and my heart jolted in fear. I looked around making a small circle where I was standing. I kept my ears shifted and listened around for any suspicious noises but I heard nothing….not even the sound of running water any more like I had a few moments ago. That wasn’t a good sign not a good sign at all.

Then my ears twitched as I heard I rock hit against the side of the mountain near me. I turned my attention towards that direction my lips peeling away from my fangs and I began growl lowly. I sniffed the air looking for the scent of what was there but like my sight I couldn’t pick up anything at all not even my own scent. Then realization came to me. This wasn’t normal fog but enchanted fog that was blocking out my sense. Chills ran down my back at this realization and I began to feel very vulnerable and threated my body trembling.

I turned in another slow circle where I stood but it did not good to me at all. If something was there that wanted to kill me they definitely had the upper hand against me. As I made a full 360 degree turn and was facing the direction I was before something caught my eye. In the fog. My attention snapped on the spot and I watched it closely. I didn’t notice anything at first but then I noticed the fog began swirling around in that one spot and was darkening. I looked around and saw the same thing happening around me. Then one by one each spot that had been darkening disappeared only to be replaced by a figure wearing a long black robe and hood that covered their faces.

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