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Life is a journey to Death. You're the one who makes this journey an interesting one or a normal boring one. This is an opportunity which you get only once in a lifetime. Don't let people control your mind, they can spoil your journey. People are the bane. Everyone you meet is a part of this journey.' YOU ARE A STRONG PERSON'. Many people will come and go. They're meant to be there for a specific period of time. The people who leave you are the ones who teach you a lesson maybe they will be wrong from your perception but yes they make you a strong person.
Remember one thing all of us are equal as far as death is concerned. One day we all are going to die. Nothing lasts forever!
All people struggle in their journey of life!
Struggling is a challenge? Well yes. Who wants a boring story? Treat your life as a story. Each chapter must be Wild and Interesting. The reader should get inspiration from you.
No one is perfect! So don't be ashamed of who you are. Just be Wild! And most importantly be you. 😇
#Spread Good Vibes.

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