Chapter 1

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Today is the day. After spending years at this convent, Mary is finally going back to the French court. She remembers the last time he saw him like it was just yesterday. His eyes, lips, and rosy cheeks. Francis, the future king of France, her fiancé since they were six... her beloved. Her thoughts were interrupted by the nuns trying to help her pack her things as quickly as they can, the carriage will be arriving shortly. "Are you feeling alright Mary? You look so tensed, and you barely ate your breakfast?" Asked Sister Jane. Mary just gave the concern nun a big smile. "I am just feeling overwhelmed sister, it has been years that I have been away from court life and away from him." Sister Jane placed her hands on Mary's shoulders, looked her in the eye, "you are the Queen of Scotland, you have nothing to fear. France will love you, and so will Prince Francis." Before Mary can say anything, they heard the sound of galloping horses. "That must be the carriage," Mary whispered. The nuns then helped her with her bags and she bid them all farewell.


Francis is what you expect a prince should be. He is handsome, undeniably charming, a skillful archer and a swordsman, and is quite a linguist. He has been born and raised to be a king who will place the interest of his country above everything else; above his wants and desires... and even above his heart. His father, King Henry II may not be the best role model for fidelity, but he sure is a great political strategist who does not think twice to say anything to gain the trust and loyalty of his subjects and of his allies. This is the type of king Francis would like to become; he wants it very much to be as good as his father, if not better. As the firstborn son, he is very much aware of his royal duties and responsibilities; of the fact that marriage is a binding contract between two countries, not necessarily between two individuals. "Marriage is not based on personal choice, but on what is best for France. I am duty bound to do what is best for my people." These thoughts are running on his head as he is putting on his best clothes preparing for Mary's arrival. "I am doing this for France, and for France alone," he whispered, trying to convince himself that he's doing the right thing. "Natalia understands that this is solely duty, not desire. We will continue our affair even if now that Mary will be residing here at court. After all, I am Francis... it is my right to take as many mistress as I please." He thought. He hears a knock at the door, "You may enter," he said. The servant enters the room, bows and said, "Your highness, Queen Mary will be arriving shortly. Your father, the king, demands your urgent presence at the great hall." Francis made a last stare in the mirror and replied, "Very well then, I shall be there." The servant then bowed and left, closing the door behind him.

                                                                                      The Arrival

The court room has never been as busy as before. It is customary to have grand balls and celebrations almost every week, but this day is different. The best wine shipped from Italy and Spain are served to the waiting guests, the flower arrangements are exquisite, and the menu are all meticulously prepared by France's best cook and contain only the best imported ingredients from all over the world. All are dressed up with their best attire and finest jewelries. "All these just to please Mary." Francis whispered while walking towards King Henry and Queen Catherine who are both sitting on the throne. "Francis, so good of you to finally grace us with your presence. I wonder if you will show the same enthusiasm on your wedding day." Says Henry, with a sarcastic tone. "Hello father, I am here as you had commanded." The young prince replies. "Must I remind you again how important this day is for all of us? As my successor you must learn to set aside your personal interests; learn to hide your objections, and be mindful of your indiscretions." The king adds. Before Francis can answer, Queen Catherine interrupted him and said, "She'll be accompanied by four royal Scottish maidens who are arriving tomorrow." Before the discussion can go further, the herald entered the court room announcing Mary's arrival. "My lords and ladies, your majesties, presenting Queen Mary of Scots." All stood silent, all eyes directed to the beautiful young queen. She glided with such finesse that even Francis cannot help but stare as she approach the royal family. "Your majesties." Mary bows. The king stood up, held Mary's hand, gently kisses it. "Queen Mary, we are all delighted to welcome you back at court. You do remember my son, Francis?" The king asks as he turn towards the young prince's direction, who is standing beside the throne, still with the amazed look on his face. "Your highness." Mary bows. "You are all grown up and still as charming as ever." She adds. Francis cannot find the words to say... He obviously did not expect her to be this alluring... He remembered her as the young impatient girl with two missing front teeth, who told him that Francis is a girl's name. "Your majesty." The Prince reply as he try to hide his astonishment. "I trust that your travel went well?" Mary with a slight blush on her cheeks responds, "It went just fine, thank you." The king claps his hand signaling the musicians to start playing music and for the servants to start serving food to the guests. Mary was offered to sit right beside the throne, next to Francis. Their proximity made their hearts beat faster; gave them both the feeling of meeting someone special... someone who you can fall for at first sight. Francis knows that he cannot allow himself to feel this way. Alliances can be broken, engagements can end. As attractive as she is, he simply will not engage to these emotions. After dinning and watching some performances, the young prince quietly bid his parents and Mary a good night.

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