Why She Plays the Bad Girl Chapter 2

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Finally it was the last period of the day, gym. I never really did anything in gym, I had always made up a good excuse to leave or I'd just skip. This year I promised myself I wouldn't skip, well maybe just a few times... but I didn't want to risk anything that would'nt let me get my diploma. The guidance counselor told me they had put my gym clothes in my locker. The locker room was basically an area to the left with showers, and to the right where 4 rows of pale blue lockers and benches in each row. I went to my correct locker and pulled out a gray shirt that said "Logan High Atheletics" in blue and blue shorts with the school's emblem of a shark on the bottom corner.

The shirt was too tight, I could barely fit it over my head, the shorts rode up so you could see my ass clearly. I was fuming, maybe it was a malfunction or maybe someone is out to get me. Whatever it was it would have to be fixed later because the whistle blew and everyone scurried to the track field. I thought maybe I could change back into my old clothes, but before I could the gym teacher came in and dragged me out.

"Wilde you don't want to be- oh lord... Um sorry hun but you're going to have to wear that for now till we get you the proper size. It's mandatory, at least for today."

I shrugged and let Coach Scott (I knew from the embroidered name on her shirt) drag me with the others. As soon as I got outside wolf whistles rung in my ears. The guy's eyes popped out of there sockets and there jaws dropped. I acted like I didn't care; strutting down the track to where everyone was gathered. For show, I winked at the group of guys. I could hear girls whispering crude comments and guys saying things that where inappropriate for innocent ears, but I just smirked and ignored them.

I could say that was the worst experience of my life, but I'd be lying. I think by the end of the day my ass had been groped by almost half of the class, but after almost breaking one kid's arm they stopped. That didn't entirely stop them from the slick comments. Coach Scott threatened some kids, but when she turned around the cat calls started again. It didn't help that we were running miles today, most of the class was, coincidentally, behind me. When the bell rang I hustled to the locker room, took a rinse off, changed quickly, and got the hell out of there.

People found out about my little wardrobe malfunction. I could tell from the snickering and cat calls... and a picture of my ass on almost everyone's phone. I kept my head held high and swung my hips, taking it all in. Hmm, I could get used to the attention im getting from everyone. People thought this would ruin me, but the stupidity was actually entertaining. Suddenly a strong scent of perfume wafted my way followed by a beach blonde bimbo in a skirt that I could compare to a belt. I pushed her aside so I could get to my bike.

She squealed and said, "Excuse you trailer trash, you almost broke my heels!"

I turned around, "Sorry Queen Bitch, maybe I'd be doing you a favor" looking down at her shoes like if they were vomit. One of her little minions grabbed her and whispered something like "It's not worth it Leslie". I rolled my eyes and walked towards my bike.

"Yeah I don't waste my time on bitches" I didn't even think twice, I walked towards her with my fist ready when someone grabbed my wrist and dragged me away.

"Hey! Lemme go! Just one little dent on that troll face!"

I yelled and twisted my capture's arm.

"Ow! Shit, calm down!" I felt kind of bad, but the guy would get over it. I strutted back to my bike, turned the key and the engine roared to life. I left everyone on the school grounds staring at me. Good, they've been warned.

I took a few hours at the landlord's apartment. The landlords' son Aiden? Aaron? I never remember, always gave me a discount... Let's just say every month I couldn't pay the rent I had to give something that wasn't money. I felt disgusting after, but all of my extra money went to gas and clothes. I got food from the supermarket in exchange for putting hours in for work. Since my mother never leaved the house, I had no choice but to work on my own. It was hard to find a part-time job, but the supermarket owner has known me since I moved into the apartments upstairs when I was 12, and she understood everything that was going on.

When I was 15, I was desperate enough to be a go-go dancer. Since I looked old enough I got a fake ID and worked for about a year and a half until I thought I had saved enough money to last for awhile. Turns out that while was about to end, I only had about 235$ left which would last a couple months if I was lucky. Go-go dancing was my last resort, but in the mean time I was doing anything to get money. Yard work for neighbors, errands for the rich old lady Ruth down the street, babysitting, ect.

Ruth was like a mother to me, more of a mother than my real mother. I told her everything and she listened without judging me. Her husband died 18 years ago and she had no children or siblings. I met her when I was 13 years old and my ball went into her backyard. She offered to bake me cookies and I politely accepted. Ever since then I would go over every day and just talk to her. She gave me food, clothes, and treated me like I was her own daughter.

After stopping by the grocery store I went to Ruth's house, walked up the stepping stones and onto the wrap-around wooden porch. Her house was quant, but homey. It was a two story, painted bright white with black shutters, and a bright red door. Inside, it was clean with carpet floors and picture frames everywhere capturing the moments she had with her husband. It always smelled like something was baking, the scent always calmed my nerves and made me feel at home.

"Jade honey, how are you? How was your first day of high school?", she asked when I walked in her parlor.

"Well apparently I ran away with my old principal's step sons to Guatemala." Ruth laughed and shook her head; she knew the real reason why I got kicked out of my old schools; fights, skipping too much, and accidentally burning down half a wing of a school... But that's a different story.

"Sounds exciting, any boys? Friends?" she said hopeful.

"Half the student body grabbed my ass due to my gym clothes being so tight, I almost got in a fight with a girl, and a guy sat next to me today and wasn't scared but I left before anything else could happen. Overall good day."

I told Ruth everything, she says me she reminds me of her when she was younger. Her parents kicked her out of the house when she was young and she was into a lot of bad things until she met her husband who helped her turn her life around. I honestly don't think that'll happen to me, meeting a guy that I'd actually trust and marry. I didn't believe in love... Look what "love" did to my parents. He left us as soon as something better came by. Love makes you weak.

"That's not so bad, Jade. You should loosen up. Try and actually get to know people. You always say they judge you first but look at you; you never get to know a person, you always shut them off."

I sighed, I guess she was right. But I wouldn't give in so easily.

"Come on, I baked your favorite."

A smile brightened my face.

"Banana bread?!"

"With powdered sugar on top".

I quietly walked into my house and put the groceries away. I passed by my mother's room and saw her lying down in the same position as always. I gave her a gentle shove to wake her up. She didn't move. I used a bit more force this time, but again she didn't move. I lifted up the covers and gasped.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2012 ⏰

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