Darkmoon Pack Council Meeting

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Pack council meetings occur here in the comments section.

The Darkmoon council takes place in a cave, deep underground. A fire burns in the middle, and fur pelts line the walls and floors. Paw prints in berry ink of past Alphas cover the walls, and the dark stone underfoot is pitted with age. The pack representatives stand on a large rock at one side, slightly elevated from the rest of the crowd.

The cave location is a closely gardened secret, and its entrance is in the centre of a hollow tree. Packs meet together within it before travelling down to the cave. A dark and silent forest encircles the meeting point. The cave walls make magic and magical weapons impossible to use.



The Forest (Image above)

The Tree (Image above)

The Cave (Image on First Part)

Darkmoon Pack CouncilWhere stories live. Discover now