Zayn Malik Imagine

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The cold breeze touches your skin you stand nervously at the edge of the cliff. The sea rattles below you, you're about thirty feet above the sea level. Your stomach is tied in knots. Your boyfriend Zayn took you to go cliff diving. 

You have the biggest fear of heights. You try to not look down again but find your eyes airing straight into the deep blue water. Then you feel the warmth of two hands cup around your waist.

Zayn holds you tight and whispers into your ear, "I'll be with you at all times, nothing to worry about."

You look at him putting all your trust in him. Your body starts to relax as the heat of his body radiates to yours. He spins you around so your eyes meet and pulls you closer until your lips touches his. He spins you again to face the ocean and cuddles you.

"Are you ready?" He asks. 

"As I'll ever be" you say to him. 

He slowly lets go of you and stands next to you. He looks at you with such passion and then intertwined his hand in yours. He smiles, then winks and gives you a nod to jump. You look at him , at the ocean then back at him.

He leans forward and gives you another kiss. You smile to him showing that your less worried. You both jump of the cliff plummeting into the Atlantic Ocean. As soon as you hit the water you feel amazing. The rush of the jump and the fact you jumped with Zayn made you want to jump again.

You surface water and start to say "wow, that was-" you look around yourself but can't see Zayn.

 "Zayn, Zayn-" you call out to find him. 

Suddenly a voice from behind you says. "Looking for me?" Zayn said as he strongly treated water. 

You paddled over to him "you had me scared." 

You give him a playful shove. "We're both here aren't we I told you everything was going to be okay." You smile and start swimming back to land.

Zayn stops you where your feet can reach the sand. He looks at you with his beautiful eyes that makes your knees wobble a little. 

"You look beautiful," he says coming closer to you.

His nose touches yours, "and I'm so happy your in my life (YN)." His lips finally makes it to yours. He pulls away and smiles to look back up the cliff. You around to see what he's looking at.

You see the rest of the boys making " kissie faces" at you. You giggle and then look back at Zayn, you cup his face and kiss him. You pull back as he intertwined his hand in yours, you both walk back up to the shore together.

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