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It was the 2nd week of the term and I was happy I have 3 new friends and my marks are at the highest level they could be. I got to school again and out of the blue the some jock, guy comes up to me and says biting his bottom lip and licking his lips," Hey hot stuff." I respond as any one would do," Are you talking to me?"" Ya, what's your name?" He asks. "My name is Monica Compion, and you?" " The names Felix Rider,"he answers. " Oh well Felix could you please move along and get lost!" I exclamed. He pined me to the locker and said,"Where you going I thought we're having fun?" I pushed him off and ran to class. My heart was pounding. B ran up to me before I could get to class then said,"Are you okay? I saw what Felix did that scumbag of a mess he should not do that to you! You should tell a teacher!" "As if they would do anything. It's ok Beth I can handler it I have to go I'm late for first period!"

I got to class and we were learning Social Studies I sat down in the seat at the back and saw who was siting on the left of me...It was him! Hotty! My heart was pounding he said,"We're on page 321 if you wanted to know." He winked I turned red."Thanks I got held up with Felix,"I stated. " Ugh I know his my twin brother." I was shocked. " I can talk to him and tell him not to p**s with you if you want." "Ugh em!" Mr Jones said. "Is there something Riley and Monica would want to share with the class?" He asked. " No Sir." We both replied. He turned his back and we both started to silently yet flirty giggle. He stated,"So your names Monica I like that it sounds what do I say vibrant."

"And you're names Riley it sounds extravagant."

We both smile flirtatiously. Suddenly a storm of thunder walked. It was Heather Mills! I knew I was screwed! It came in and said,

" Oh can Monica Compion who ever that is come to Mr Bee's office." And silently flirtatiously said,

"See you at my place Riley." With a smug smile on her face. That ' beast' is coming after me and when she catches me she's gonna eat me like I did with that burge Monday.

My heart was pounding, my hands were sweating and I was walking on pins and needles. Mrs Bee is the Vice Principal of the whole West Ford High. She is also the strictest teachers ever lived.

I stepped in to her office nervously and said,

"Good.......," looking at my watch."Morning Mrs Bee," she glared and smiled,

"Good morning, Monica and how are you today?"

"Good, fine and you?" saying politely.

"Great, now I called you in today to talk about your grades."

I froze I did not know what to say so I went with,


" Oh, don't be scared I'm actually proud of your marks you have been sustaining a A+ average for the past 3 weeks. I have been wondering what collage would you like to go to?" It asked.

"Oh I think Standford or Yale. Why if I may ask?"

"Oh, cause with your marks you'll have to compete with the devil her self Heather."

At that moment my jaw dropped my eyes widen and my life was about to get ruff.

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