Tom and Emma has been left the jungle for good. When Renee told Dean that she is so happy for him to be able engaged. Then she said I'm sorry for being nasty to Charlotte, Dean decides to go find Charlotte for their own business. Next morning ant and Dec told everyone except Dean and Charlotte that Dean and Charlotte are going to win, everyone are shocked by this news is announced now. Meanwhile Charlotte and Dean are oblivious to what is going on and instead are talking about their pasts to each other. Charlotte confided in Dean that he had helped her get over the death of her mum a few years ago and gave her the strength to follow her dreams when she had briefly met him at a WWE publicly event in Glasgow. It was only a quick chat but it caws enough to ,and a huge difference in Charlotte's life. Dean was amazed and deeply touched by this. Dean did not initially remember meeting Charlotte before the jungle but after thinking about it for a while he started remember what Charlotte was speaking about. It was been popping up in his mind, but one hit in his mind. It blew his mind that something was so seems small and insignificant could make a big difference to someone. Dean and Charlotte are hugging each other in love.
5 days later Charlotte and Dean leave the camp to go see Ant and Dec as they are the last 2 left in the jungle. When they arrive at the set they find everyone sat and are told that they have both won with Miley and Kurtis coming second.
Dean saw Charlotte as a person with a crazy personally but he loves all her all the more for it. Charlotte tells Dean she did this for her disabled friends in Scotland to prove they could do it just as well as able bodied people. Dean is surprised to hear what Charlotte's reason we're for doing the show and is amazed by how selfless she was compared to his selfish reasons of only good NG I'm to prove to himself that he could do it. Charlotte then showed him some pictures of what she looked like before going into the jungle.Kay and Emma are still with Roman when they go to collect the happy couple only to find that the hey are agin outrageously flirting, with Dean having put Charlotte on his shoulders and runs to the trio..
After the jungle
Charlotte and Dean are having their own show its total Dean when Dean is not wrestler in ring. They are married in Glasgow Scotland where are they met.