Bipper ~1

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Dipper's P.O.V
It's the 25th December, Christmas Day! My eyes flickered open at the sound of a door slamming. I looked over to Mabel's bed, the sheets on the floor and crumpled.
I looked to the table next to me, a sticky-note beside me.
I rolled over and picked it up, reading it.
"Me, Grunkle Stan, Wendy and Soos have gone to the Christmas Fair without you since you've been tired lately so we let you sleep. Love you lots -Mabel xx"

I adjusted my boxers, shoving on a shirt from on the floor. I ran downstairs, seeing the Christmas tree, one untouched present beneath it. I pondered for a second, before walking over and reading the tag.
"p̸͟͞i̸͟͞n̸͟͞e̸͟͞ t̸͟͞r̸͟͞e̸͟͞e̸͟͞   Dipper Pines"
Hmm... Alright.

I picked up the present box, running back upstairs. I undone the ribbon, the box suddenly popping open.



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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2015 ⏰

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