01: the train

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"Bye, mum." I said softly, standing next to my twin sister Savannah.

I could feel the tears well up in my eyes. We were leaving, and she didn't even care.

Savannah grabbed my hand and squeezed it. I squeezed it back to let her know I was okay.

"Mum." I said louder, trying to get her attention.

She lifted up her head, eyes swollen from her never-ending tears. "Goodbye. Have fun."

Savannah shook her head angrily, "Bye, mum."

We picked up all our luggage, and waited in line to get on the red train that was labeled 'The Hogwarts Express'. I grinned at Savvy, not letting our stupid, pathetic excuse of a mother bring us down.

We were going to Hogwarts. We were witches. Magical.

I didn't even need to look at my twin to know she was just as excited as I was.

We finally climbed up onto the train, but the cumbersome amount of luggage we had brought with us constantly made us stumble.

At one point, Savannah tripped over my feet and we both tumbled through the narrow train corridor.

"Savvy!" I groaned.


And then suddenly we were both laughing until I felt someone ram into my back, and then another person afterwards.

I flipped around awkwardly. Two slightly apologetic, slightly about to burst out laughing looking boys sat next to us.

They both nearly looked the same. Same stocky build and bright red hair, brown eyes. To a normal person, they might be impossible to tell apart.

But being an identical twin myself, I instantly spotted the differences.

The one closest to me had a narrower nose and two moles on his neck, and the other one had a more slender face.

"Well, hello there!" They said in unison.

"Hi!" Savannah and I chorused, glancing at each other.

"I'm Fred," Said the one closest to me.

"George." The other said, grinning.

"Vivienne, but I hate that so if you're going to call me anything, it better be Vivi." I warned them.

"She's dead serious if you call her Vivienne she'll probably punch you." Savannah said, laughing at Fred and George's raised eyebrows.

"I'm Savannah, by the way."

"I bet you can't tell us apart." George said cheekily.

I rolled my eyes, "Please, George."

"Enlighten me." They both said.

"Well for starters, Fred your nose is thinner, and you've got two moles on the side of your neck. George, your face is narrower than Fred's and Fred's hair catches more light." I said, and shrugged.

"I bet you can't tell us apart." Savannah challenged.

"Vivi's hair is just barely longer and her eyelashes are thicker. Savannah, your eyes are bluer and your eyebrows are thinner." George said.

She's Not Afraid { FRED & GEORGE WEASLEY }Where stories live. Discover now