Chapter 4:A New Look

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Authors note:Vas happenin guys this is chapter 4 and i m so sorry for taking so long but I'm gonna continue the chapter in my phone so sorry if there is any wrong spellings hehe anyways remember that I told u I'll put nathan skykes in a chapter well I'm serious I love nathan skykes and of course one direction haha anyways presenting.........CHAPTER 4!

Harry's P.O.V(yay harry's pov:3)

Wow this girl is really nice but I never seen her here before so I think she's new but who cares I have a friend:3,me and kim ran down the hallways good thing there's no students anywhere,anyways me and kim finally have arrived in our class and I was literally shaking because i never been late to class ever soooo this is gonna be awkward,kim was about to open the door when I stop her "I think we should wait here until class end" she looks at me confused "why?we still 9 minutes of class left" "yeh but we're already late so what's the point?" "harry your supposed to agree with me" "and why?" "because.....uhmm..........I thought you wanna.........uhhhmmmm....." "is it because I'm a nerd and I'm supposed to have perfect attendance?" I said a little rudely "no not that its just that.........I thought you want to have perfect attendance"" she said while she looked down,now I feel bad "I'm sorry its just that many people always said that to me" "what do u mean?"while looking at me "many people said I want perfect attendance because I'm a nerd" "oh harry no not like that" "its alright I got used to it" "bu-" she got cut off by the school bell signalling that our class is over,I hurridly(Is it right the spelling?) ran down the hallway before any of the students xaught us talking.

Kim's P.O.V

That was weird harry suddenly take off before we even finish talking,I was snapped out of my thoughts when a familiar voice asked me

"WHERE IN THE POTATOES WERE YOU???!!!!!" "potatoes?are you irish?" "no but I'm learning...anyways where were you?" "uhmm in school?" "stop fooling around I'm not joking" "and neither am I" "watever kim anyways did you hunged out with the nerd?" "he's not a nerd" "really?really kim?" "ok well he is a little nerd type" "you know I gotta admit he is a little handsome" I looked at him with wide eyes and my mouth hanging open wide well there's a home for the flies,"a-are y-yo-u g-ay?" "WHAT!JESUS NO EWW" "oh thank god" while sighing in relief, "ok anyways let's go?" "ok" I said while walking him beside me,while walking I thought what I said earlier harry is handsome but he's a little nerdy maybe I can change that I smirked and continued on walking

(Let's skip because I don't have any ideas in their class^^)

Finally school is done,I asked monique and kyla about the idea and they seem pretty relieved about it oh wait I'm sorry I haven't told you the idea well the idea is I'm gonna have harry a new look so people will eventually don't bully him anymore,I looked around the front gate for harry,after a few moments of circling around the school for a few minutes I finally found him:) he's sitting in the school swing(the school got a swing)

I went to the swing and I sat beside him I know he can see me he just won't look he's writing about something I think it's his homework

"Harry"he still keep on writing "harry" I keep on repeating his name but he keeps on writing,finally I grab his hand and suprisingly he stops and looks at me "can you stop writing for a minute" "ok"he whispered,he looks at me for a second and he looks at my hand that's top of his hand,I then realized that I'm still holding his hand and I blushed and I took my hand away "uhmmm anyway I came here to tell you something" "ok wat?" "uhmm what do you think of changing your look?" I said with a smirk "change my look?" "yeah I mean like a bad boy type" "I don't know I don't wanna be someone I'm not" "you don't have to change your type I know its a bad ide-" "NO I didn't say I don't like the idea I just said that because maybe if I change my look I think I have to changed my personality" "uhmm don't change your entire personality" "uhmmm I......think.......that' awesome idea" he said with a smile I smiled too "so how do I changed my look?" "well everyone knows if you want to change your look we got to start with.......SHOPPING!!!!!!" he stared at me like I'm a clown and started to chuckle "what's so funny?" "kim I said change me into a bad boy type not a gay type" while chuckling even more "oh so you wanna stay in your baggy jumpsuit bad boy?" he stops from chuckling and looked at me serious "ok fine let's go....SHOPPING"he said in a really awful girly voice I laughed and we headed to the mall

(After picking up like a millions of clothes)

After picking of bad boy clothes we headed to get harry a haircut at first he refuses but after a lot of slapping(not really like a face slap,like a funny slap)he suprisingly agrees,we finished and its almost 7pm I said bye to harry and head home,finally I arrived at my own home and can't wait to get to bed I know its a little early but I'm so f#cking tired, I opened the door and heard my parents talking in the dining room and some other voices,maybe its my dad's boss or something I don't really care I started to head up to my room when I heard my mom calling me from the dining rooom,damn!,I groaned and went to the dining room I saw my parents with some other parents and 3 girls, "kim where were you?" my mom said with a angry tone "uhmm I was woth a friend" "Don't worry anne my son is always late for dinner and sometimes he won't show up" some woman said "I'm sorry its just that I forgot" I said "its fine kim just don't forget next time"my dad said "ok dad" "anyways kim this is Tricia and Yaser Malik and their lovely daughters Doniya,Waliyha and Safaa"my mom said "ok well uhmm nive to meet you all" I said with smile "well.I'm gonna go now"I said "wait you must meet our son jes just running late because he went to his girlfriend house" tricia said "ok" after a few seconds our doorbell rang and I went to the the door and opened it I am so shocked whose standing infront of me it.........was......................................................................................


Authors Note:Sorry for a short chapter but my fingers are killing me I'll write chapter 5 tom. and there will be a new character^_^but ou already know who it is.....your right its Nathan<3 AHHHHHHHH*_* anyways the tranformation of harry is coming soon and GoODByE luv ya guys<3

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