Emma's pov:


"Let's head to class," I told Michael.

Michael is my best friend. We've known each other since we were real young.

Ever since our first year of school it's just been us two. We're inseparable.

Of course we have a couple other friends, I mean we are nice people, but none as close as we are to each other.

"Yeah, let's go," he replied.

The corners of his mouth rose up to a smile as he glanced at me.

We walked upstairs to health class, and sat side by side, at the back corner.

There was still a couple minutes until the first bell rang, which would indicated class to start.

"Hey, after school do you want to go see a movie? Like we always used to?" Michael asked enthusiastically.

"I can't. I'm sorry, but I already told Chase I'd go bowling with him after school. How about tomorrow?" I replied.

"Yeah. Tomorrow's fine i guess."

"Thank you for understanding. I can't wait for tomorrow though! We'll have fun."

"Well I hope you have fun with Chase."

Just then the bell rang, and everyone else quickly took their seats.

I mouthed the word "thanks" as our teacher took attendance.

Michael's pov:


Chase is Emma's boyfriend. She's had feelings for him for about a year now.

She was estatic when he asked her out last month.

It really just came out of nowhere, but they've been dating ever since.

I've just had to get used to not seeing her as much. We still always out, but now she has a boyfriend so I understand she likes to be with him too.

I don't like it, but I'm glad she's happy. That's all I could hope for.

Chase is pretty well known in our school.

I was pretty shocked when he asked Emma out.

He's always seemed a little off to me, but Emma's assured me he's a nice guy.

I really need some more friends.

A while later the bell rang, and everyone started to file out of the classroom.

I hadn't really paid attention. I'm pretty tired.

"Bye. I'll see you at lunch," Emma says to me.

"Yeah. See ya."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2015 ⏰

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Affection // Michael CliffordWhere stories live. Discover now