6. Submit

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I eat as many crackers as I can handle before I turn away from Anton. He gives me more water and tells me to rest before he leaves.

Eyrica pulls off her clothes and shifts into her small wolf and curls up at the entrance of the tent with the tip of her tail covering her nose. Her dark eyes watch me before she can no longer keep them open.

With everything that has happened filling my mind, I am unable to sleep. My body aches from being in a stiff position for so long and I try to move my muscles as much as I can without disturbing Eyrica. Her ears twitch occasionally, but the rest of her doesn't stir.

I wonder if she's used to shifting now. At only twelve years of age, shifting must still be fairly new to her, yet she did so with ease and didn't even groan or grunt in pain.

When morning comes, someone comes to relieve Anton from his post. His silhouette is larger than Anton's but not nearly as large as Kairo's.

When he peeks in, I'm afraid to see who it could be, so I close my eyes and pretend to sleep. I'm not ready to connect with anyone else right now on a personal level. I just want to be left alone to my thoughts and my plans to escape.

As I contemplate my plan, there's a commotion outside that wakes Eyrica up and forces my eyes open.

Eyrica pulls herself up into a sitting position, her ears flatten and flick occasionally at the noises. Pulling herself up, she pokes her head out the door before quickly pulling away and scampering toward me with her tail between her legs. Positioning herself in a protective stance in front of me, her ears flick back and forth, her nostrils flare, and her gaze locks on the door.

"What's going—"

Turning sharply, she glares at me and a low growl of warning rumbles from her throat.

Closing my eyes, I look into myself for my wolf, reaching out for her, but I still can't find her. Damn, that wolfsbane stuff must have been strong.

Straining my ears, I try to gather the few words I can make out.

"I gave that bastard my best men!" Kairo roared. "I delivered the females he wanted, but Emily and Zara are mine. He can't have them both!"

My jaw falls open. Emily is here? Where is she? The urge to find her and immediately console and protect her floods over me, but a sharp sting in my wrists reminds me that I'm still tied up and incapable of protecting myself, never mind Emily.

The knowledge that she's here, a familiar face and person going through the same struggles I am, offers a little bit of comfort, but I worry about her well-being and whereabouts. She's our omega, our weakest pack member, and must be protected.

She better be safe. So help me god, she better not be harmed.

I can't make out the response because it's too faint.

Finally, Kairo growls just loud enough for me to catch his words. "Fine! He can use them as bait, but they will be returned to me immediately. Make sure he understands that, Beta."

Sucking air into my lungs, I brace myself for either Kairo or some big intimidating guy to come barging in.

Eyrica is still in protective mode, her claws digging into the earth, her front legs bending a bit, as if preparing to pounce if threatened.

When the flap opens up, my jaw drops again as Jade steps in.

Wait, isn't she with Ryan?

"Out of the way, pup," she says to Eyrica with cold, hard eyes. Her voice is firm, but not aggressive.

Forsaken (Book 3 of the Zara's Wolf Trilogy) BWWM - ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now