Chapter 1

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Mari's POV

My alarm clock buzzed through my ears. I smacked my hand on my nightstand trying to turn off the alarm. I dragged myself out of bed, hopped in the shower, and got dressed for the stupidest day of the year. The first day of high school. I'm normally a shy kid, but last year I had the chance to hang out with the "popular girls". They decided to turn me from a weird loner kid to a cute popular girl. Over summer, I was able to be myself without having to put up an act. But now that is the first day, I have to hang out with them again. I dried my long brown hair with new red highlights and went downstairs. Thanks to their jobs, my parents are constantly out of town so of course they aren't home when school starts. I brushed my teeth, grabbed by bag, and started walking to school. Here we go I thought as I ran up the stairs to the main entrance.

I found my way to my locker and saw Courtney and Olivia headed my way. I was surprised they wern't with Keith and Shayne. Courtney and Oliva were the most popular girls in school, so of course they were dating the football stars. Courtney was dating Shayne and Olivia was dating Keith. Great... I put on a fake smile and said hi when they walked up.

"Mari..." Olivia said looking at my outfit. "What are you wearing?" I looked down at my batman sweatshirt and looked back at her.

"Whats wrong with it?" I asked.

"Well its... Nerdy..." Courtney whispered.

"So what? Yours is all preppy," I said. They looked like I had just insulted them.

"Whatever. But if nerds start talking to you, we will make sure to step in." Olivia assured. God whats wrong with them? Ugh... I give up.

I was walking to class when I saw something out the corner of my eye. It was Keith, Noah, and Shane beating someone up. Oh my god! It's the first freaking day of school and they have already started their reign of torment. They laughed, yelled at him, then walked off. The kid was now on his knees trying to pick up his stuff. He was wearing a funny sarcastic t-shirt and jeans. I saw he had big brown eyes and bright orange hair.

"Want some help?" I said bending down and started to help gather his things. I reached out my hand. He grabbed it and I helped him up. He looked at me and smiled.

"Thanks," he said taking his stuff back.

"No problem, and those guys are jerks. I've always hated them," I said looking down the direction that they left in.

"Yeah, to bad they can't just deal with their own problems like the rest of us," he replied.

"So are you new?" I asked him.

"Yeah, I just moved here from Chicago, Illinois because my mom got a job transfer," he replied. "By the way, I love your outfit. Batman is the best,"

"Thanks!" Yes! I knew someone would appreciate it.

"So whats your name Chicago?" I asked him and he laughed.

"David. But my friends back home called me Lasercorn because of a tattoo I have," I laughed at his nickname.

"Interesting, well my names Ma-" before I could finish, Courtney and Olivia came up and dragged me away. I looked back and saw David looking back at me confused.

"Whew, that was close," Courtney said as soon as we were far enough away.

"Why did you do that?" I asked.

"What? We were just helping you out. I told you nerds would try to talk to you because of that outfit," Olivia replied. She looked me up and down again. God I'm getting sick of these girls already I thought. I sighed.

"Look, I know you are just trying to help, but I can do stuff myself. And David's not a loser. He's just new," I argued.

"Mari, listen. He has no status here. He's new and no one knows him," Courtney started. "So yo-"

"Thats why I was talking to him! Your boyfriends thought they were so cool, they were beating him up. Its the first damn day of school for gods sake! It's insane! And I happen to love this outfit. So I'm not going to be someone I'm not so people will notice me, and I don't mind being in the crowds," I yelled. I am so done with them. I turned on my heels and started walking to class.

"Mari! Mari get back here! If you walk away you are so out of the group and you can go back to being just some nobody," Courtney yelled.

Still walking with my back to them, I flipped them off and yelled back, "Good!"

Hey guys, so this chapter was a lot longer, but I thought it was a bit to long, so I ended up cutting it in half and saving it for the first two chapters. Anyway, I am still writing other stories so check those out as well. Bye crazies!
-Mads ;)

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