three // m

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*putting little accented letters and periods in words so this doesn't get deleted...*

"you know, i haven't kissed anyone," i whispered.

"what?" mr.styles said in shock.

"yeah," i chuckled nervously, "my parents told me that purity was important..."

"it is, princess. oh, how i'd love to slowly strip away every piece of it," he cooed, bringing his hand to my thigh again. his hand slowly went up, not stopping. his hand cupped my warmth, just where i needed it to be.

"what're you doing?" i asked, shutting my legs.

"feel good?"

"uh, i-i'm not sure..." i stuttered. i wasn't used to this, and i didn't want to admit that it felt nice. where would that lead us? not in a good direction.

"c'mon babygirl," he began to make little circles as he steered through traffic, his eyes still glued to the road.

"mhm, feels nice," i managed to say.

"ever had anyone do this to you?" he asked, moving my p.ånties to the side. i shook my head. my cheeks were burning red.

"what-what're you going to do?" i questioned nervously. when i asked, he slowly swiped a stripe up my s.lît. i gripped the armrest, making him chuckle.

"nervous?" he smirked, slowly going up and down.

"that's an unde-understatement," i muttered.

"this feel good?" he questioned, making circles on my c.lît. i managed to nod my head. "then tell me how this feels."

he pushed his pointer finger into my dripping sé.x. his hands were cold as he pushed into my wår.mth. my mouth gaped a bit as i sucked in a breath.

"so tight... god, you're beautiful," he møaned, making me blush in all the right places.

the street lamps illuminated the scene as harry pumped his finger ever so slowly. i felt myself tighten around his hand, gripping his arm. i rocked my hips against his hand, feeling his rings push against my c.lît.

everything about him was cold. his touch, his gaze, i'm sure his lips were frozen as well-- but all of those things seemed to set me on fire.

"look at you, falling apart," he cooed, curling his finger, "underneath my touch."

"don't stop," i shut my eyes tight.

"my little kitten, c'mon. come for me," he bit his lip. i had no idea what that meant, but once the words were released into the air and into my ears, i felt a sensation of letting go.

"daddy," i møaned, my hips' rhythm slowing down.

"that, my little one, is an ø.rgasm," he bit his lip, pulling out his finger and putting it into his mouth.

why would he do that? that was just inside of my... are you supposed to eat it...?

"mhm, just as i expected. so sweet," he said. he acted as if he had just eaten a gourmet treat. "we're here," he announced while pulling into a driveway. my p.ånties were still pushed to the side-- i was completely exposed.

"you have a nice house," i said in awe.

"thank you, babygirl. the seat you're sitting in used to be nice, too. look what you've done to it," he smirked.


i'm sorry for the weird accented letters and periods...

i forgot what it was like to write s.müt... is this good? idk *oops*

remember, in the title, you'll know which pov you're in. m=marina & h=harry. ex: one // m = chapter one, marina's pov :)


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