The Darkness Within: Chapter 28: The reason I have to hate thee

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This fanfic is not mine, I have just re-posted it to this site. It was written by Kurinoone on I also don't own Harry Potter as you can most likely guess.

Chapter Twenty Eight

Harry had everything in place. He only needed two items for his plan to work and for that, Harry was going to need Damien's cloak.

"Damien, I have to ask you for something." Harry said to the thirteen year old, as he sat across the table for breakfast.

Damien looked at Harry with a curious glance.

"I need to borrow your cloak and map." Harry said quietly.

Damien tried not showing the shock he received at Harry's words. Damien would do anything Harry asked of him, but giving Harry the invisibility cloak and the map to Hogwarts was only asking for trouble.

"Oh Harry, I don't know." Damien started to say, as he gave a worried glance over at the staff table. His parents would kill Damien if they found out that he had given Harry such items.

"Damy, I'm not running away, if that's what you're thinking."

Damien was surprised to hear Harry call him by his nickname. It was the first time that Harry had called him 'Damy'.

"Alright, but one condition." Damien said. At Harry's curious look, Damien continued.

"I come with you." he stated firmly.

Harry's eyes widened with shock and he shook his head at Damien.

"No! No way."

There was no way that Harry was going to take Damien with him. Damien would definitely tell someone what Harry was up to and that would ruin everything. Damien crossed his arms over his chest and gave Harry a calculating look. Harry was forced to accept that Damien really did share a resemblance to himself.

"Fine! Then I'm not giving you anything. If you want the cloak and the map, then you're going to have to take me with you, wherever you're going." Damien was just as stubborn as Harry was and wasn't going to back down, regardless of what Harry was going to say.

Harry observed Damien for a moment. If Harry was to take Damien with him, would it be so bad? Damien probably wouldn't even know what Harry was up to, and by the time he figured anything out, it would be too late to do anything.

"Fine, but you have to swear that you won't breathe a word to anyone. Okay?" Harry asked.

"I swear! So what are we going to do?" asked the excited teen.

"We're going to be borrowing a few things from the potions supply." Harry answered.


It was late at night and Harry still couldn't believe that he was taking Damien with him to the dungeons. Harry and Damien managed to hide under the invisibility cloak, which Damien managed to successfully 'borrow' from his dad again. Harry had the map in front of him as he and Damien crept along the darkened walls of the dungeon. Damien had no idea what potion it was that Harry wanted.

Harry crept into the potions classroom and the two boys took off the cloak. Harry walked over to the potions cupboard and after checking it over, for any spells that may alert anyone of the unauthorised use of the potions, Harry opened the door quietly.

Harry had told Damien to stay near the door, with the map, in case someone was to come along. Damien watched as Harry rummaged through the supply cupboard. Harry seemed to be looking for a particular potion, as he wasn't taking out any ingredients but actually looking for a pre made potion. Damien wondered what Harry was up to. At last Harry gave a victorious grin and held up a small bottle. It was made out of purple coloured glass. Harry quickly slipped it in his robes and closed the door over. He walked up to Damien and slipped the cloak over himself and his brother. Damien waited until they were back safely in their common room before asking Harry about the potion.

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