Chapter 3: Ocangys

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"You! Get back here now!" Dutanlo whispered to me, he had never asked my name. But I was paralyzed with fear, as the thing walked out from behind its hiding spot. It was like a huge lion, and teeth like a shark, it was black, and it's eyes were black, and it looked hungry. Compared to the flying creatures, it was a thousand times bigger. It saw me, and locked eyes on me, and I couldn't move. I seriously couldn't move, I couldn't even look away.

"Don't look into its eyes! It will temporarily paralyze you until it gets the chance to eat you and you can't look away!" Dutanlo shouted at me, but I still couldn't move.

"It's a little late for that!" I screamed, "If I'm paralyzed how can I still talk?"

"It is because of your eyes, it controls you threw its eyes. And it wants to hear you scream!" Well, the big black beast had a taste for screaming prey that was nice.

It approached me, standing there, and prowling around. I didn't know what I was going to do, but when it roared at me I was just about to scream but I still didn't.

"Okay I think I'm done with this dream!" I shouted.

"Dream?! Your not dreaming!" Another person shouted.

"None of this is real! It's all just a dream! You aren't real that thing isn't real! None of this is real!" I screamed, still not able to move my eyes away from the beast.

"Wake up, wake up, wake up!" I shouted at myself, and suddenly the monster jumped at me. When he did Dutanlo jumped onto his flying creature and flew forwards to try and save me. But suddenly I was propelled into the large bushes next to me, and someone landed on top of me. I thought it was Dutanlo because of the heat, but when I looked up it was someone completely different.

"Hi..." I mumbled, trying to move but I still couldn't, the paralyzation was slowly wearing off.

"Hi..." The boy who looked around my age said. Except he looked like whatever Dutanlo was. He had the dessert skin, and in between the cracks was a blue glowing substance. This guy had shaggy blue hair, and his ears were kinda pointy. Also, he had a tail, Dutanlo didn't.

"Hi..." I just mumbled again.

"Never mind I don't want to wake up." I mumbled, smiling at him. He smiled back and I could feel his skin against my exposed skin become warmer. Which I was completely fine with because before I had been completely freezing.

I didn't know what was going on with me. But my heart began racing, even faster than it had been when I had seen that monster. He kept starring at me, and I could feel my cheeks become red. As soon as I saw him, he didn't take his eyes off me, and I knew there was some sort of connection. A connection that I had never known before.

Suddenly he wrapped his arms underneath my back And I gasped, as he pressed his chest closer against mine. But he rolled over onto his back, we both rolled against each other three times before stopping and he was still on top of me. I realized why he did this, as a giant paw smashed down where we used to be.

"Jairo!" Dutanlos thundering voice bummed threw the trees as the person finally got off me. He looked down at me, "Still can't move?" He questioned and I nodded my head, speechless.

He picked me up in his arms and ran out into the battle. Now there was three of those giant monsters. I wanted to literally stay in his arms forever, they were so warm. And I just kept starring up at him, I think I was paralyzed by him. He had the most magnificent blue eyes I had ever seen. And all I had was brown eyes, why would he notice me with plain brown eyes! What the heck was I thinking?! This! Whatever this was! I didn't even know who I was or where I was or whether or not I was even dreaming!

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