Psy: ok so we have two questions from darkusprincess2345. the first one is for lil Sally. She asks how much do you love your teddy bear?
Sally: oh i love him soo much. hes my best friend. i wouldnt have it any other way...
*the bears head turns towards me n smiles*
Psy:uhh *sweatdrops* ok next is....oh.....would you keep one of Zalgo's children or kill it because im one of them.
Slender: i would keep it. i love all children.
Jeff: sounds cute
BEN: whatever...*goes back to playing his ds*
Sally: she could be my friend. wanna play.
ej: i wouldnt trust it too strongly.....
lj: i would fill her with candy *laughs*
psy: i would like a new friend too lil Sally...but im also with ej...i wouldnt trust it too strongly. i would half to watch over her.
Sonic.eXe: i am god n thats all you need to know.
Tails doll: can you feel the sunshine?
psy: i think thats enough guys.....
Liu: nope....bye....
Pinkiemena: i want to make her into a cupcake
Hoodie: if the boss likes her then i like her
Masky: i wouldnt be to fond of her.....Hoodie....
Toby: if she can make waffles then i love a friend.......ok. i got a girl already.
Psy: *eyes glow red* SHUT UP!!!
*room grows quiet*
Psy: sorry...uh.....*leaves without speaking*
Slender: ill go talk to her.....
Jeff: dont for get to ask n dare...oh....n go to sleep