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Narrator's POV

An old woman with a made-up red head and shiny white skin she was dressing in wide black skirt and wide white shirt over it, she walked into a huge room with grey painting walls and a lot of paintings for different women and there was a huge window and a golden furniture at the right side of the room to see a blonde lady with a pale skin dressing in short black skirt and a dark red silk shirt, she was standing there infront of the window staring outside which made the old woman speak up with an old shaky voice " I heard the sound of death and I smelled the scent of blood " which made the blonde jump a bit and turn around to face the old woman to ask her with shock all over her face " How you came in here?!".

The old woman walked towards her and she continued " I could sense the evil, it's so close " and she walked towards the window.

The blonde looked at her with disbelieve and she asked " What crap you talking about Myrtle Snow?!" She shook her head with disbelieve and she continued " Are you lost your mind old woman?!".

Myrtle snapped her head back to her and she glared at her and said " I am here for you and all of US " she walked slowly towards her to make small space between the both of them and she said with deep and low voice " All of you coven are going to DIE, Cordelia." she raised her voice at the word die.

A young milky skin teen girl with long brown hair entered the room with shaky body and horror all over her face, she shared looks between Cordelia and Myrtle which made Cordelia ask her " What's going on, Zoe?!" .

Zoe opened her mouth and stretch her hand and point to the window with shaky hand and she said with shaky voice " There's a huge fire all around the place and a huge dark cloud coming from the forest to here".

Zoe's words made Cordelia walks towards the window to see all the fire going stronger to eats everything which made her snap her head back to Zoe and she said with an order voice " Gather all your sisters into the house and do not leave it no matter what " which made Zoe run out of the room.

Cordelia raised her hand towards the door which made it slammed and she looked at Myrtle and she said with strong tone " What the hell is going on?!".

" The 'Faery witches', they gathered themselves from all over the world to unite in serving the devil and they are going to kill every other witch not from their denomination" Myrtle answered while she was looking at her into the eye and she continued " and i am here to take you away with me " then she pulled her from her wrist which made Cordelia raise her hand at Myrtle who flied to hit the floor next of the door.

Cordelia screamed at her " I am the supreme of this coven and i won't leave them no matter what" and she walked towards her and looked down at the old woman and she continued " and Why should i trust an old manipulate Augury witch like you ?".

Myrtle said with a loud tone of voice " I am here to save YOU from dying to save the whole world from destruction and I am the only one who knows How." with the end of her words she pointed to herself.

The light of fire appeared from the window which made both of the women snap their heads towards it, The fire was eating the front door which made the girls down stairs screams loudly.

Cordelia looked at Myrtle with horror in her eyes and she walked towards the door to go down to help her girls which made Myrtle pushed herself up the floor quickly to block her from going out and she said " You have to come with me to find them" she shook her head with eyes full in sadness " All of them are going to die but we still have the chance to save the others and you are the only one who can find them".

Cordelia started to lose her patience which made her scream asking " Find Who?! ".

" The 5 Elements " Myrtle answered which made Cordelia snaps " What the fuck you are talking about ?!".

Myrtle pulled Cordelia's hand and cut her thumb with a small dagger and she pulled her hand and stared drawing on the wall with her blood a pentagram within a circle and she let go of her hand and pointed at the pentagram and she said " The five Elements ".

She pointed at the pentagram angles and she said " Fire, Water, Earth, Air and Spirit " and she continued " And you are the only one who can help me find to them ".

Cordelia stood in shook listening to these crazy words mixed with the girls screams down stairs, she didn't know what the right thing to do What if this Augury witch is right and all of her coven are going to die and she's the next, She looked at the old woman with question eyes of what she suppose to do right now which made Myrtle cut her palm with the dagger and pulled Cordelia hand once more but this time she cut her palm and she put their cutting palms together to mix their blood and she looked up to her and said " Say with me the escaping spell, NOW".

They stared to saying it loud and the door pushed roughly to hit the wall infront of it and a young witch who dressed all in black with long black hair and a white skin entered the room with her followers and she checked the room with her eyes to find the supreme but she saw no one in the room but an symbol on the wall which she walked to and touch it with her fingers with a frown on her face and she mumbled under her breath " I will Kill you, Cordelia".

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