Isra Howard

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Narrator's POV

A light-white skin girl with middle dark brown hair which was spread next of her while she was sleeping peacefully with smile over her down turned- lips dreaming a really good dream about her Leo.

She was sitting under the tree into her house garden playing with the grass beneath of her She flinched a little into her place when she felt a warm and large hand over her shoulder then she relaxed and hummed with smile when she felt a thin full lips on her cheek kissing it, She eyed him with her wide brown eyes to see how he was smiling at her with passionately brown eyes and the sun was showing his tanned skin and his light brown hair while sitting next of her while whispering into her ear which send a shivered into her spine " Hey beautiful" she giggled and she said " Hey " while looking into his eyes then he started to lean in and she did the same, it were an inches between their lips then he fell down on the grass in sudden roughly by a big brown dog growling into his face which made her gasp...

She gasped and snapped her eyes open when the alarm went off and she felt a heavy body over hers which made her groan saying " Lucyyy! " her dog whimpered and she groaned once more " UGH!, Just got off me! " pushing her lightly off the bed then she pushed her hair off her face while getting off the bed to find Lucy sitting on the floor infront of her bed looking at her so she rolled her eyes at her then she heard her mother voice asking from out side of her room " Isra, Are you awake ?!".

" Yes " she answered with sleepy voice.

" Okay, get ready and the breakfast will be ready in minutes " her mother said.

She nodded sleepy then she heard her mob vibrate on the small table next of her bed which made her reach it to find a text from Leo which made her smile widely while reading it.

* Good morning my love, I am on my way *.

She jumped off the bed when she read it, she took a quick cold shower and dressed-up in peach puff tee shirt on medium blue jeans and pair of white converse then she put her hair up in messy bun and she raised her sight in the mirror to see her dog Lucy sitting on the bed keeping her piercing over her which made her turn around to look at her with glare " You've been acting weird lately " she said while walking towards her to tap lightly over her head.

She opened the door to get out of room and Lucy walked behind of her she went down stairs to find her mother waiting her on the kitchen table who raised her sight towards her who smiled at her then she said " Good morning, Love ".

Isra looked at her mother with loving eyes then she kissed her cheek while saying " Good morning to you too, beautiful ".

She sit down on the chair next of her then she started taking bites of the food infront of her then she looked up at her mother who was asking " Any plans for today!".

She nodded and said " Leonard will take me to attend a party with him ".

" When that will be ? " She asked while taking a bite of the omelet in the plate.

" 6 pm ..." The voice of Lucy growling to the infront door cut her words and made her mother calling her name " Lucy, come over here ".

Lucy kept taking small steps towards the door growling more aggressively which made Isra walking towards the window to look out of it to check what's behind the infront door to see Leo's car parking infront of her door and he's getting out of it which made her notice what he was wearing a black and read shirt underneath it a white t-shirt on midnight-blue jeans and pair of white shoes and he was walking towards her door which made her roll her eyes while looking at Lucy groaning " Not again ".

" Come on, Lucy" Isra said while walking towards her and she continued " It's just Leo " which made Lucy growl much harder.

Isra groaned while exclaiming at her mother "Ugh, She being really weird mother, I really have no clue why she acts like that every time Leo is around".

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2016 ⏰

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