I'm a good person and a good writer I think I always get a A on my reading but here is a story I got from a movie but I'm making it my own I hope you guys like stay gold!!
Maria Milani ( Frida Pinto) My name is maria, i have just moved to tulsa after my mom had gotten a new job apparently ,I hope this town is a good place and a great home to me because word has it this town has been divided, if you poor, uneducated and trash your considered whats to be called a greaser, but if your rich and educated than your a socs, This place is like some segregation town, but i hope its for the best ...
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Johnny Cade (Ralph Macchio) My name is johnny cade I have lived in Tulsa my whole life and I'm a greaser which means my friends and i are in a gang, as we seem to be doing "bad things", but also having fun. Word has it that a new girl and her mother just moved here but i I sorta feel bad no one really likes living in this side of the area they always seem to like living in the West side... I just hope she enjoys this place for now.
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:::: Maria ::::
As i started out the window of the car, I saw my new home it looked like an old spanish styled type home which was nice.My mom had brought the car up to the drive way put it into park and told me to wait as she went up to go open our new house.
"get your stuff out of the car maria" my mom said
I nod in reply, went to the back of the truck to gather my things and had left the rest to the movers. After hours of arranging and unpacking things i walk next door to my mom's room and knocked on her door so ever kindly.
"Hey Mom, Can we go somewhere to eat I'm really hungry?" I asked
"Yeah so am I, Lets go!"she said, setting one of the boxes to the side.
We hopped into the truck and headed off to a near by burger joint we saw on our way here. As we order, we were given are drink while we wait, since it had been hours on the road i had never had a chance to drink much till now so surprisingly i had finished my drink, i take the last sip and mom looks at me weirdly and begins to laugh.
"Slow down there tiger." She adds
I laugh and get up from my seat.
"I will be right back I'm going to get a refill okay." I chuckle
"okay" she replied
So i walk to the counter and had calmly waited for someone to so, a few minutes have passed and still no one so I saw a bell the kinds you would see in motels and decided to ring it but still no answer, i ring it again no answer so my instinct if begin an annoying person i have yet decided one again to ring it multiple times, it till one of the the workers had stopped my hand. I look down at the hand and bad at the worker, a boy to might roughly be the age between 16 or 17.
"We'll why is a beautiful young girl like you be ringing the bell like crazy?" He smirks
"Because, I've been waiting here for quite a while in order to get a re-fill so I annoyingly rang the bell like crazy to get somebody's attention." I reply, shooting him with a odd look on my face
"Has anyone told you that you look beautiful"he says
"Are you flirting with me? and No..But you can let go of my hand? I slip my hand out of his grasp
"Maybe.." He replies giving me a smile
I smile back sarcastically "What's your name?"
"Johnny...Johnny cade" he said
"Maria Milani nice to met you Johnny cade."
He kept staring and smiling at mw which was odd until I interrupted his little moment.
"Hey.. So can I get my refill now?" I add
"ohh right I'm sorry"he said refilling my cup and came back. "Here's my number for a beautiful young girl like you." he added
I take my cup and the piece of paper while giving him a weirded out look and saying "Thank you."
"we should meet again some day just gave me a call" he says giving me a smile
"okay Johnny-boy have a nice day"
I had turned and gone back to where i was sitting, my cheek hard started to burn as i was somewhat a little happy too.He's a little handsome too or so i may add, lets just see what happens...