1. Worst Birthday

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           "(y/n) come here girl, we need to talk to you" You heard your father calling. You are the only daughter on your family, You have an older brother named Hans well, It is a charming name. 

"Comming Dad!" You shouted as you are walking to your bathroom. The Phantomhive family is one of the biggest pureblood family in the wizarding world, no wonder that you grow into a some kind of young women. 

today is your birthday but it seems rather lonely.Your father is working at the ministry of magic, that's why you don't get to see him often. One thing that you know about your father and that is he HATES muggle. 

once you arrived at the family room you could see that your father is talking serious thing with your brother, you know how much your father praise your brother. sometimes its bothering you how he turn to be just like your father 

"here comes the birthday girl" Your mother hugged you and give you some present. "Happy birthday darling" she hugged and kissed my check. "Thank you mom" you hugged her back 

"It's looks like my little puncher has turned eleven" it's your brother he hand you a doll without even wrapping it 

"Seriously? not even a bow?"you giggle "hey, you know how busy I am helping our daddy" but you smiled and hug him "thank you big bro!" 

your father now raised from his chair and gave you some letter? "Happy birthday (y/n) well, because you turned eleven now you are official hogwarts student" he said. you smiled a bit "thanks dad"

"now dear, what do you want this year? Your father will buy it for you" asked your mother. "Not Much I guess, Maybe some Books?" you answered  

"what kind of books?" now your father asked "If you don't mind something from the muggle world?" you asked nervously. as you finish your sentence you could hear you brother whisper 'here we go again'

"MUGGLE BOOKS? that is disgusting! why would a talented wizard as the Phantomhive read that kind of books!?" your father looks kinda dissapointed "But father, you said anything!" 

"NO you don't girl! now get back to your room because you are grounded for today! you are a disgrace for this family! " his harsh words is really shock you down "I understand" you said while walk towards your room 

"remember child! you have to behave because tomorrow I'll accompany you to diagon alley so please, don't you dare do such a thing again!" you ignored your father event though you hear him. you are still upset. 

You know that if your father went together with you there will be at least one of his co-workers there, so you think it is better to let your father do as he please. you sit at your bed.

you are crying you remember correctly what he have done when you become friends with a muggle-born wizard, yes he than punish you in your room for a whole month. you really are sad remembering those kind of thing so you cry until you sleep. 


whew~ that's a start, oh yeah i got the phantomhive name from an anime that I really Love hehe no offense here. oh yeah and I decide to give your brother a name because I don't know if you have a brother so feel free to change his name. well that is the first chapter and I'll continue it later and in the next chapter you'll get to see Draco. okay now byee~ 


Forget To mention Everyone that Support me all this time and show me the wonderfull world of Harry Potter.
My Sister another Parents(?) Maria Chtistina♡

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