Chapter 1: The Book

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                                                               Chapter 1: The Book

The girl trudged through the snow in her oversized boots. The snow crunched under her feet. The dark sky cover the whole, terrain, dropping snow without end. The cold frost nipped at the girl's rosy face. Her blue eyes darted around searching for a place to stay warm from the icy cold.  Seeing no resting place she hugged the brown cloth bundle that she was carrying close to her chest, and kept wandering through the snow.  

She kept walking and finding an old broken down house went inside. She slowly entered, the old wood floor creaking under her feet.  She looked around, seeing no one, she slowing took out whatever it was in the brown sack cloth out and laid it on the table. It was a book, and a very old one at that. It had a leather cover with  an intricate picture. of several snow capped mountains,  jagged cliffs, grassy meadows  a majestic waterfall and a peaceful river.  The border had meaning to it as well. It had leaves, flowers, and fairies carved on the edge. The fairies on the edge, held a title for the book.. It’s name was Unknown.

A stranger had one day asked if she could take the bundle to a friend, saying that he would pay her. And he did.

“Well,” the girl said, “I should at least know what I am carrying three miles out of my way all for a few dollars” she grumbled. Then opened the book. There was only one poem but it was translated into many different languages:

                          One to live, one to die, one to be destroyed, the other to survive.

                 Four shall enter on a quest when they begin, the true prize only one shall win.

          An Ancient Force balanced it must be, four of every thousand, for this there fate must be.

                          One to live, one to die, one to be destroyed, the other to survive.

“What the heck?” the girl said. “So I am walking, three miles, six miles in all, out of my way, to carry a little crazy poem for only a few dollars to some dude out in the wilderness.? Yep, that is what I am doing”. She sighed “Well nobody will mind if I take a little rest, will they?” she thought.

She found a blanket rolled it out on the floor, took off her warm, comfy boots,  and laid down. After fifteen minutes of sleeping she woke up, looked at the time, put the blanket back, put her boots back on and started walking again.  It was snowing heavily now and she could see the little hut off in the distance.. As she got closer she saw the curtain move and she saw a face. This creepy house she was walking to well there is a reason no one ever goes there, it is dark, and musty. No one ever had seen the man who lives there. The ladies just gossip about him at their social events. They say he is wild, unpredictable, and eats little kids for supper. That is what the mothers told their children before bed so they didn’t get any smart ideas about sneaking out with their buds.

She walked up the dirt path to the door and took a deep breath . Hoping she would look and sound braver than she felt, closed her eyes and said.

“Hello? Um, I have a book here from someone. I think it is a gift?” she yelled.. Then she paused, “Hello? Is anyone here?” she said more quietly than last time.

“Set it on the step” a gruff voice said.

“Okay” she put her hands out in front of her and dropped the book on the step then turned and quickly and quietly walked down the dirt path.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2014 ⏰

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