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I could hear her laughing.
I told myself just walk away and don't listen. But it wasn't possible.
Cause the second I saw that smile on her face, I fell back into my hole of anxiety. Of self doubt. Of insecurities.
And I felt like I have finally found a way to get out of this deep hole, but she pushed me even deeper into it only with her actions.
It wasn't even a word she was saying. It was just a simple smile that made me wanna run and hide.
A smile that actually means happiness and positivity, but it changed something inside of me.
Cause she turned my smile into tears.
The sad thing is that one day and I know that it will take a while but I am going to find the way out of that hole again.
But she is lost in it forever.

words i'll never sayWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt