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Hi guys this is my new story hope you like it and for those who are new go check out my other stories




Bright Blue eyes opened when rayes fell on them to look up on a broken ceiling

He sighed and got up to look around it was a small house that was barley standing along with a cracked window and only one item present that was a cloth that acted like a bed

He sighed again and went to one end of the room to open a sliding door which contains of few materials he picked up a black pant with long orange shirt and left his house

He entered the forest that was right behind his house and walked till he came to a stop in front of a huge waterfall

He placed the cloths neatly on the grass and removed the cloths he was wearing and descended into the water

He shivered at the coldness but started to wash after a good 15 minutes he came out and hung his wet cloths on a nearby branch and wore fresh cloths which do not look so fresh

He shook this blond head to rid of all the water from his ears and shook his tails to do the same after being satisfied he walked back the way he came after placing the wet not dry cloth in place he took his bag and went out to work

----------Naruto's pov----------

"Ha" I sighed

Hello everyone my name is uzumaki naruto and im 16 year old im a Fox with 9 tails but I only keep 1 out well anyways im a omega

This world is divided into 3 parts the very first are the alphas they are in less numbers and are considered precious they are only dominating they can be whatever they want then comes the betas they are in large numbers so not so special they are bith dom and sub then the last are the omegas we are considered as the dirt because we are submissive and are considered a burden thats why a lot of us are raped and/or soled as sex slaves

So basically

25 - Alphas

25 - omegas

50 - betas

It is a tradition to be mated at the age of 14 of not then you are basically shunned by everyone

I'm 16 and not mated because I didnt want to mate with some disgusting alpha or beta

Now I'm heading to work it's hard to find work for an omega even if you do get one you will get the lowest wage

I am working on a farm tending to animals cleaning them and feeding them after the whole day of work we all lined up my co-workers are all betas

As our employer hands out money finally my turn came I bought out my hand and he dropped a single brownz coin

I stated at it in shock when I saw he was about to leave

"This is much less than last time" I screamed angrily

He turned to look at me with disgust


"I want my money" i screamed

He got angry and hit me , me being weak fell and I was bleeding I held my cheek and glared at him

"Know your place omega" and he left

I got so angry I just went home after arriving I banged my door close I slid down and begain crying

Everyday I have to with stand abuse I can't take it any more

After hours of crying I say their looking around my house and I finally made up my mind

I packed up all my belongings I looked back one last time and left never to return

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