Chapter - 16

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Hi guys how r u all now let's begin

I sighed and started to walk to tired the sun has already set and it was getting darker

The village was even livelier at night if I want to reach home I have to pass throught the town which was filled at the moment

Many type of people came to my view laughing and dancing some even flirting some women approached me (many actually) but I had no interest I walked past them like they did not exist at least for me they did not

I finally exited the busy town and made my way towards home when I came across the flower seller

I stopped to see he had some new flowers and it was yellow in color it reminded me of naruto

I stopped to see he had some new flowers and it was yellow in color it reminded me of naruto

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I approached the man

"Good afternoon sir"

The man looked at me and recognised me easily for I had visited him this morning

"Ah young man how are you" he said cheerfully

I smiled a bit (just a pull of the side lip)

"I'm good thank you I just noticed you have some new flowers" I said looking at the flowers

He looked at the flowers and smiled "Yes they just came in"

I was looking at all the flowers and thought to get naruto some so he could wear it

The old man looked at me and smile he picked few yellow flowers and said "here take this"

He extended his hand and waited for me to take

I looked at him confused

"It's for free take it" he encouraged

I shook my head "no please I will pay for these"

I said politely

He shook his head in a no and stood up he pulled my hand and placed the flowers

"Think of this as a welcome gift" he said and went to his previous position

I looked at them it was the same flower which I wanted to buy and thanked him

He laughed "You are one fine man take good care of yourself and your mate's got it"

I nodded and bid him farewell and was on my way home I smiled thinking how it would look on naruto

I placed them inside my secret pouch

Now it was pretty dark around 7 or 8

I walked faster on the road home I saw something shine and laughing voices could be heard

I cautiously walked as I approached the bunch I noticed they were soldiers have a drink and their weapon laying beside them

I covered my face with the cloak and was about to cross them

When one of them screamed

"Hey you stop there"

I stopped not wanting to create problem

The three soldiers stood in front of me their bodies reaking with alcohol

They stumbled a little

"You what are you doing here" said the same soldier

I made my voice deeper and answered "I'm going home"

Then another soldier said "Ah are you trying to be cocky bastard"

Then other soldiers joined him

"Do you know who we are"

I nodded "yes soldiers"

When I said this their faces became red with anger

"How dare you talk back to us let's teach him a lesson"

They took hold of their weapons and I took the stanz to defend my self

They swung at me but I doged it skilfully and hit him in the stomach he fell down vomiting everywhere

"How dare you" the other soldiers screamed and charged at me

I doged every swing and finally when I think it's getting late I knocked them out and processes to walk away

I did not kill them because I know they won't remember anything coz they were extremely drunk

I lifted my shirt to see the flowers in tack

I smiled and blended into the darkness

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