Chapter 4

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Montana's P.O.V

I woke up and looked around "not my room. That bastard he said he would take me home. This is not my house" I grumbled to myself

"It's nice to think of the person who saved you last night as a bastard hey" he looked over to me and smiled "do I not get a good morning hero or good morning hottie"

I rolled my eyes "good morning Mr. Player" I gave him the most innocent and stupid smile

I walked over to his window and leaned over opening "crap your window I forgot about that" I laughed at his stupidity while he went red from embarrassment

I climbed through the window and looked back "how did you get my number anyway" he just shrugged

I shut my window and walked silently inside I messed up my hair and changed into pj's so it looked like I had been asleep. I shook my brother awake and he gradually woke up

"Hey bud time to get dressed" he just started laughing what why I'm confused why the hell is he laughing

"Y-your h-h-hair... OMG Montana how does your hair get like that" my brother said between laughs. Whoops guess I over did it on the hair

"Get out I'm getting ready" and with the my brother left. I looked through my wardrobe what should I wear

Then I spotted such a cute outfit. I grabbed out my navy blue denim jeans and a fluffy jumper. It's the weekend yay I'm gonna go shopping with my friends yeah that's a great idea

I called my closest friend *ring ring*

"Hey girl let me guess you wanna go shopping" that's the good thing about Rhiannon she always knows just what I'm calling for

"Yeah I'll also call up: Sash, Ginger, Ebony, Mia, Lily, Taylah, Kayla and Corey " I named all the people in our little group well it wasn't very little seeming that it contained 10 people

"Okay I'll bring along Bailey" Bailey is Rhi's (That's Rhiannon's Nickname) boyfriend he's really sweet. I'm actually think that all the girls will bring their boyfriends than make me bring someone...

"Anyways meet yah at the mall near kick up. Cya girl" after she said cya I hung up and called the rest of the girls they were all bringing along their boyfriends so coming to the mall today will be: Rhi and Bailey, Sash and Lachlan, Ginger and Toby, Eb and Max, Mia and Wilson, Lily and Alex, Taylah and Levi, Kayla and Shawn, Corey and Jo-Jo (his real name is Jacob but everyone calls him Jo-Jo)

That's a lot of people geez

I was about to get in my car when I bumped into someone and they caught me from falling on my butt. Oh great just who I wanted to see its Little old Cameron

"I over heard you talking to your friends about going to the mall could I come" he said sticking out his bottom lip making him pout

"Will you stop holding me in this ever so awkward position" he nodded rapidly and I gave in letting him come with me

"And can I brother Campbell come" geez how many siblings does this guy have. I nodded and him and his bro hopped in my car as I drove to the mall. Well this isn't weird at all is it now (note the sarcasm)

We got to the mall in one piece thankfully as Cameron tried to drive god that guy has the worst habits but such good looks. Wait. What am u saying he has horrible looks. Horrible. H-O-R-R-I-B-L-E. You got that brain

We all walked to kick ups and not two minutes later everyone arrived and I got the pleasure of introducing all of them to each other. Oh joy (sarcasm)

"Cameron and Campbell meet Rhiannon, Sash, Ginger, Ebony, Mia, Lily, Taylah, Kayla, Corey, Bailey, Lachlan, Toby, Max, Wilson, Alex, Shawn, Jacob and Levi" I said pointing to each one of them

"Who is dating who" Cameron blurted out and Campbell went red. Hey I can't blame the kid I would be permanently red if I was related to that thing

I sighed "Rhiannon is with Bailey, Sash is with Lachlan, Ginger is with Toby, Ebony is with Max, Mia is with Wilson, Lily is with Alex, Taylah is with Levi, Kayla is with Shawn and Corey is with Jacob, oh and Taylah and Kayla are twins but K has tanner skin than Taylah that's how you tell them apart. We good now" he nodded As I panted that was a mouth full

After the long intro we went shopping I got to pick what shop we went to first, my choice was winging it which is a shoe store. From there I brought new runners. My new runners were blue with a cat nose and whiskers onto top of it, it also had light purple cheetah print on the sides they are so cute

We went to a whole heap of stores and I got along really well with Campbell he's even coming over tomorrow to hang out and watch movies when I invite everyone who's here now. And little secret Campbell is quite cute blonde hair light hazel eyes and lightish darkish tan skin he's like a model to be honest

Anyway the day was good I for one was actually glad that Cameron invited Campbell along too and everyone ended up crashing at my house for a sleep over. Lucky moms not home and is in Italy for a month. Hehe


Sorry I haven't been updating but I was trying to think of what to do for this chapter. Anyway Campbell will be in the story more often now I have made him a character. The picture of the girl is Montana Anyway u think I'm gonna make a sequel when this one end and this story will have about 20 or so chapters

Thanks for reading this chapter and sorry again that I haven't been updating and sorry that this chapter is bad it is currently 1:36am where I live so I'm gonna get some Z's night

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2015 ⏰

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